A Sense of Normalcy?

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Another chapter! I hope you enjoy! Also, a small note, aside from my horrible procrastination the only thing keeping me from writing is college work. One more thing, were it not already obvious I shall not be sticking exactly to canon. There is going to be some elements I keep but other than that I plan to go my own way if I can. 

It was a peaceful day all things considered. I was sat at the lunch table alongside Team RWBY and Team JNPR they were idly chatting amongst themselves. I, however, had my sights zeroed in on a girl with tall rabbit ears protruding from her head and on the end of those ears was a hand pulling on them rather roughly. 

"I told you they were real!" One of her tormentors, the one pulling on her ears, shouted while the rest of what I assumed was his team laughed. I stood abruptly from the table. "Where you going, Eddy?" Yang asked. I looked to her and nodded my head in the direction I was moving. "Oh boy." She sighed and made to stop me but Blake pulled her back into her seat. 

"Oi!" The one pulling her ears turned to face me. "The hell do you want? I'm kinda busy here." I frowned. "I'm gonna need you to stop that." He laughed and pulled her over. "What? You this freaks boyfriend?" His cronies laughed. "Is your big bad boyfriend here to save you, ears?" He shoved the girl towards me and I caught her. "She's all yours pal. Have fun with her, you know what they say about ra-" He couldn't get the next words out as his face was made part of the table and his cronies jumped to his aid. I snarled at them, I must've sounded terrifying because they backed off. "Apologize." I said as I held the bullies head into the table, pushing harder and harder the longer he took. "Apologize!" I shouted into his ear. "Alright alright, I'm sorry!" He yelled. I pulled him up from the table and turned him to the girl who stood there in fright, forcing him to look at her. "Don't apologize to the table, tell her you're sorry!" He hesitated and I twisted his arm behind his back and dropped him to a knee. "Say it or I'll make you say it." I whispered in his ear. He looked up to her and yelled his apology. "Was that so hard?" I dropped him and he fell to the floor. I walked past and turned my attention to the girl. "Are you alright?" I gestured to her ears. "That can't have felt good." She still looked a bit scared so I tried to look as friendly as possible. "What's your name?" 

"V-Velvet." She managed to stutter out and I gave her a lighthearted smile. "Well, it is very nice to meet you Velvet." She looked down a bit, so in the gentlest voice I could manage, I asked. "Would you like to come sit with me and my team?" She gave a small nod and I offered her a hand, she took it cautiously and I led her back to the table. 

"Everyone, this is Velvet." I gestured to the two teams seated at the table. "Velvet, this is everyone." She gave a small wave and said "Hello." I felt horrible for the poor girl, and I meant no offense but how could someone so timid and shy make it into a school as tough as Beacon. We sat back down and resumed our conversation. "That was very brave of you standing up for Velvet like that Edgar." I nodded to Pyrrha and Nora spoke up next. "I'll admit it was pretty awesome but you should've broken his legs!" The table gave a collective sigh. "Nora we've been over this, no breaking another students legs." Ren calmly stated. "Aww! Renny I wouldn't be doing the leg-breaking, Edgar would!" I smirked. "I would not!" Truth be told, I would break many a bone if someone were threatening my friends and our new plus one, who's innocent appearance could only be matched by our resident reaper.

Something I had noticed as the chatter at the table picked back up was that Blake would eyeball me every few moments, never maintaining constant eye contact but her eyes would scan her book for a moment then she would look at me. Now that I thought about it she had yet to turn the page she was currently reading and it had been about ten minutes. After a few more minutes I caught her staring which caused her to go wide-eyed and hide her face behind the book which made me smile. Lunch ended soon after and we made our way to our next class, Nora's favorite, combat class, taught by none other than the Witch of Beacon. She was the probably the only witch I had ever met that didn't try and steal my eyes and I hadn't tried to murder with a cane. Moving on, we had taken our seats and were awaiting the professor. While waiting I could feel someone's eyes on me burning holes into the back of my head rather than Blake, this time it was Cardin Winchester, Beacons resident bully, and also the face of the student I made familiar with the lunch table. He looked rather upset and when he noticed me noticing him, he drug his thumb across his throat in a threatening manner and gave me a malicious smile. I raised an eyebrow and with a blank expression, gave him a curt nod. 

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