Begin Again

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I own neither Bloodborne nor RWBY. Leave a comment if you enjoy and tell me why if not!

"Hello Good Hunter." I looked up to Gehrman who sat in his old wheelchair. "The night is drawing to an end and the sun will soon rise. The hunt was good, but now I offer you mercy." I took a step back at what he might mean but a slow raise of his hand stilled my movement. "I will grant you the mercy to wake Good Hunter, and I hope this will be remembered as only a bad dream." He paused to take a breath. "Please Good Hunter, submit your life and I shall free you." 

I stood before the old hunter and just stared at the ground. I didn't know what to do, he had just simply told me he was going to kill me. Though what could I do, to end this horrible night and the dream with it. I thought it over, Gehrman sat patiently awaiting my answer. I looked from the pale flowers and soft dirt to meet the old hunters eyes. "I submit." I turned away and kneeled before him looking back down at the flowers, such delicate things. I felt the bright moon baring down on me and I saw the large scythe over my shoulder before it disappeared back into the air. 

"Wake up Good Hunter, and be free." With those final words I was met with darkness and then, a light. The soft feeling of dirt and the touch of a gentle breeze across my face. I had awoken, looking up into the trees above me. Where was I? This place was too colorful to be Yharnam, perhaps I had awoken outside the city? So there I sat in the grass just relaxing until I heard a gunshot. I sat straight up and began to scan my surroundings. To my surprise a scythe sat before me in the grass, similar to the one in the workshop, next to it my pistol and cane. I looked down to check myself out and I was wearing my normal hunters clothing. I stood to my feet and placed the scythe on my back in its disassembled form, picked up the pistol with my left hand and the cane in my right. I took a step forward and heard a clank, looking down I realized I had kicked a blood vial and bent to scoop it up, when a growl had sounded from ahead of me in the bushes. I looked up and brought my weapons to bear, and to my surprise, again, A large bear came through the bushes snarling all the while, its red eyes glared directly into mine. 

This was new, I had yet to see a beast such as this. The over sized bear beast stood on it back legs and roared it my direction. I knew this would not be easy unless I could keep my distance, I swiped the cane through the air and turned it into its whip form, I locked eyes with the bear and took a step forward, it didn't like that and charged at me. I dodged to the side and ran the whip down its side drawing a black substance the spewed from the bear. Skidding to a halt the thing came again thought this time it was swinging at me, roaring all the while. I dodged back and forth, zig-zagging past its large claws, I saw an opportunity as it stood tall trying to crush me. Bringing the whip over my head I brought it down onto the bears face, as it reeled I brought it down again and its front paws came out from under it. I quickly approached the bear and brought my hand back readying for a punch, I stepped forward and thrust my hand into the beasts skull reaching in, grabbing hold, and pulling. I was met with a shower of black blood, quickly covering my face as the beast collapsed and let out a final growl of defiance, before it lay dead. 

I stood there for a moment looking at the black substance, this blood was unnatural, different but regardless the bear-beast was no more and I smirked at my handiwork in silent satisfaction. "Through here, it ran through here!" I heard voices over my shoulder, maybe other hunters? To late to decide to move as four women ran through the brush and came to a sudden stop. They stared at me and I stared back our weapons drawn in a silent standoff. I meant them no harm, perhaps they still had their minds about them. I slowly made to set my weapon down making them tense, I stopped and slowly nodded to my weapon and in a sign of trust I looked away for a moment and exposed the large scythe on my back as I set the cane down.

As I looked up I was met with the color red, the shortest girl had crossed the distance and now stood before me her weapon sheathed and a look of awe in her eyes. "Is that...Is that a scythe?" Her voice was almost non-existent, and I quietly bid her to repeat the question and slightly louder she questioned. "Is that a scythe?" She pointed to the weapon resting on my back and I nodded. She made a strange noise I could only attribute to a joy filled whoop and she made to grab it, but rather than going around me she tried to climb over me to retrieve it. "Ruby!" one of the three now making their way over shouted sprinting towards us grabbing her by her hood pulling her off of me, and I made to thank her until a gauntlet matching the girls hair made contact with my stomach causing my feet to leave the ground and send me into a slide.

Once I stopped sliding, I rolled over and got up to my hands and knees and looked ahead, the blonde was coming to finish the job. I gathered myself and stood to my feet reaching behind me to grab the scythe. I grabbed it, unfolded it, and stood ready, but the girl stopped. "Whoa there pal, is that a scythe?" I nodded yes and her eyes lit up, "Hey Ruby, check this guy out." the short girl came from behind her. "That's what I was trying to do until you knocked him all the way over there!" Her small voice growing in intensity as she carried on. I still stood ready until the other two a girl wearing the purest white and carrying a rapier, and a girl in black carrying Really? This is a dangerous situation but she was calm as can be.

The two set to arguing until the one in black stepped up past them and stated in a calm voice. "They do this quite often, but we mean you no harm. Perhaps we can resolve this situation by letting Ruby see your weapon?" The girl now known as Ruby snapped to attention at her name and the word 'weapon' in the same sentence. She sped up to me in a blur of flower petals holding her hands out and asked. "Please?" I looked to the three behind her and they all nodded, then to her and she nodded and ever slowly I held it out to her and she took it gently from my hands and almost immediately begin to analyze it her small hands running along the blade and up and down the handle. 

"She really likes weapons, and a lot of people don't really use scythes." The one in black said, still reading her book but occasionally looking up to meet my eyes. "So!" the blonde clapped her hands "Introductions, my name, guy I punched in the stomach, is Yang Xiao-Long. This is our resident princess, Weiss Schnee. The bookworm is Blake Belladonna, and the adorable ball that is my little gun nut sister is Ruby Rose." I committed the names to memory, I met few people who were sane, perhaps I could keep these four alive? "Now that, that is over! What's your name mystery guy?" I stood there in silence for a moment, what was my name? I racked my brain for any memories, one word stood out in the memories and in a single breath I said my long forgotten name. "Edgar." I paused now sure that was it. "My name is Edgar." 

Well that's all for now! I hope you lot liked it, and yes I'm back from the dead in case anyone was wondering. 

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