A Quick Cleanup

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Kept you waiting, huh?

The blood was finally cleaned and the classroom was able to be used again. Even the blood that somehow ended up on the ceiling. I'll be honest this was some rather thick blood and I had to do some serious scrubbing, but it was finally done now. Just in time for dinner too.

I made my way to the dorm to clean up and get a fresh change of clothes. The team was absent, probably on their way to the cafeteria. So I had the room to myself for a few minutes. I'll spare you the details but I was wearing some more casual clothing with my Hunters cloak thrown over it. The teachers didn't seem to mind the coat during the school day as long as I had my uniform on under it. Odd to think about how a few weeks ago I was kneeling beneath a tree to be killed and now I am a student in an academy made for training and teaching Hunters, er well, Huntsmen and Huntresses. I still maintain there is a difference. Anyway, I had the cafeteria doors in my sights and soon enough I had gotten a tray and was sat with my team, along with what may as well be our sister team, JNPR. Good people the lot of them, including Nora, even if she frightened me.

"Hello, Edgar, how did the cleaning go?" Pyrrha asked. "All done, it took me some time though, some of the blood had started to set, but I got there just in time." I heard a gag to my left. "TMI Eddy." Nora gagged. "My apologies, Nora." I smirked. "What did everyone else get into today?" Ruby started to rapid fire weapon stats into my ear and her most recent upgrades to her scythe, but I kind of tuned her out for some reason, my eyes focusing in on a trio sat at a further table. They looked incredibly shady. Their hunched postures reminded me of the blood minister and the old wheelchair hunters. Beware of Wheelchairs indeed. I am not sure why my attention was drawn to them, perhaps I was still looking for beasts lurking in the shadows? "Edgar." I snapped my head to Ruby. "Yes, Ruby?" She pouted. "Did you even hear what I said?" I sighed. "Of course, you were talking about um..." I looked down then around. "Weapon enhancements? You wanted my help enhancing your weapons? Correct?" I had no idea why I said that but her eyes lit up so I must've been on the right course. "That's a great idea! It wasn't what I was talking about but that's even better!" Oh no. "This weekend we'll get to work! Maybe I can work on some of your weapons too!"

Well, I don't know if it was a good thing but if it made me and my weapons work more effectively then I was all for it. I wonder if any of the workbenches worked the same way as the ones in the dream? I doubt it honestly but it couldn't hurt to find out.

"Sounds like a plan." I said to Ruby and her eyes shown with excitement. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, but I would jump at any chance to improve my weapons.

Afterwards, and to my disappointment, not much happened during the rest of the day. Lunch finished up and we had our last few classes.

On the way back to the dorms things were even quieter. Though that was because Team RWBY and I had a small spar session without the risk of death seeing as how I now had an aura, so we could afford to let ourselves go a little. Weiss even taught me how to properly use it.

Once back in the dorm I fell into my bed and was out like a light. I only barely managed to get my boots off.

The next day came quick and before I knew it, I was ushered out the door by Ruby who was somehow managing to carry both my Burial Blade and her scythe. We arrived at the schools workshop? It looked like a shop, there were a few students here and there making modifications to their gear, but the place was rather empty. Oh well, more space for us.

Ruby set our weapons down on the workbench before I lifted my scythe off the table and replaced it with my cane and pistol. "I'd like to start with these, if you wouldn't mind?" I asked and Ruby gave a nod. "So what did you have in mind?" She asked. "Something more powerful, a shot for my pistol that doesn't just stagger an enemy but will actually do some damage."

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