One Hell of A Fight

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About a week had passed since the little incident in the hallway with the, um, giant snake and the whistle. Maybe I shouldn't do stuff like that, but no harm done, not accounting for psychological harm.

I was alone in one of the training rooms. I looked down at my cane and recalled how it found its way into my hands.

I still remember it like it was yesterday, waking up in Iosefka's clinic and sliding off that operating table. I felt every ache in my body amplified when my boots touched solid ground, but just like that it was gone. The sickness that had plagued me for so long was gone. Just like that, I felt, normal I suppose. I could see clearly, better than I could before. I could feel my lungs swell with air, granted that air was stale and reeked of incense, but it was air. I looked around and saw a door, next to it a chair with a small coin, and under that coin lay a note. The paper was faded and it looked as though someone had spilled a drop of blood on it.

"Seek Paleblood to Transcend the hunt." I stared at the note and pocketed the coin.

I had to get out of there, so I did, right into the waiting arms of a werewolf creature. I fought as hard as I could, being fairly certain I knocked its jaw loose. Didn't stop it from damn near ripping me in half. Imagine my surprise when I awoke lying face down on cobblestone. I felt groggy if anything, I wasn't sure where I was but this place made me feel so tired. I stood up and looked around, a large garden lined with tombstones and a staircase, and at the bottom of the stairs sat a life sized doll.


At the top of the stairs sat a quaint little cottage. I started up the stairs but felt something tugging on the leg of my pants. I lifted my foot and was staring into the lifeless eyes of a, well I wasn't sure what I was looking at. The one that got my attention had three friends with him and his friends held weapons. Odd looking weapons, a strange saw, an unwieldy looking axe, and a simple metal cane. A silent conversation ensued between myself and the small thing. He pulled the one holding the cane forward and lifted it to me. I reached out and took hold of the cane.

Little did I know that my journey started the second I gripped that cane. I feel as though years have passed between my first taking the cane and now. I could fill oceans with the blood I have spilled with this serrated whip.

I blinked myself out of the past. I was no longer alone.

"Edgar are you alright?" I looked up from my seat and saw Ruby standing before me.

"Apologies Ruby I was lost in thought, did you need something?" She started to speak and was immediately cut off by another voice.

"She wants to see you shirtless again!" Yang shouted from the doorway. Ruby's face took on a color akin to her name.

"Yang!" Hearty laughter filled the room

"We were wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner, or if you'd rather keep brooding in this dark training room." Yang snickered.

"Dinner sounds lovely."

The cafeteria was surprisingly empty, though a few tables were still filled. We soon had our trays and were seated across team JNPR. Dinner was quiet, but something was off, I could feel eyes on me. Coming from one of the tables in the corner of the cafeteria.

"Is something wrong Edgar?" Ren asked me from across the table. All eyes were on me, great. I figured it would be better to play it off with a smile.

"No, I am quite alright, thank you for asking Ren." Most of the table seemed to buy it, except for Blake who I could feel staring at me. She followed my line of sight and I think she realized what was going on. The person staring at me was none other than my attempted pickpocket. She must have realized more than one pair of eyes were on her. She turned around quickly, back to her table and teammates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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