Nothing Like Yharnam

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I obviously do not RWBY or Bloodborne, anyways here's to the second chapter of So The Hunt Begins Again...Enjoy!

In Beacons highest tower, an intense staring contest was taking place, the contestants? Edgar, the good hunter from Yharnam, and Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy. Why was this stare down taking place? Well Edgar was wondering the same thing, Ozpin had not said a single word as he sat there silently evaluating Edgar looking him up and down. From the shredded hunters hat that sat atop his head to the bloody boots that adorned his feet. 

"Where are you from?" Finally the man had broken the silence. "Yharnam sir, I'm a hunter." He took notice of that, either he knew of Yharnam, or a hunter was cause for concern here. "I cannot say I have ever heard of a Yharnam, perhaps a village of one of the frontier towns?" I shook my head. "No sir, it is a vast city that has been rebuilt numerous time upon itself." Walking the streets for as long I had gave me some time to learn the lore of the place. Old Djura would talk for hours on the history of Old Yharnam and its tragedies. "Hm." Ozpin placed his hand on his cup and took a sip, before raising his eyes to meet mine. "You are not from this place, are you?" I cocked my head at his question. "Sir I already told you I was not from here." He raised a hand to quiet me. "I mean you are not from here." He gestured to the space around him. I was a bit more confused at this. "Are you suggesting he is not of this world headmaster?" Weiss spoke out from behind me. "I would say so, Ms. Schnee our guest from-" He stopped looking back to me. "Yharnam." I spoke and he continued. "Yharnam, which would also explain your strange attire, no offense."  I looked down at myself, this was standard hunter attire for the most part I had made some modifications. "You look similar to the old huntsmen from a few hundred years ago." His fingers clicked on a strange see through board and a picture appeared, a picture of what looked like me, though upon closer inspection was not. The man in the picture did have clothing similar to mine, though his cap was not feathered like mine and he had no face cover.

"This is one of the ancient huntsmen, these brave men and women fought without aura or semblance. Only with conventional means, swords, spears, and powder weapons, much like yours only less complicated." He paused and I took the time to ask what he meant. He smiled and said. "Your 'trick' weapons Edgar, weapons with multiple functions, much like the weapons of those present. Your cane transforms into a whip, and the curved sword doubles as a scythe." How did he know these things he was not there and I have never met this man before. He must've seen my confusion. "We have cameras throughout the forest, I was using them to watch you and your interactions with team RWBY. You looked rather confused upon your awakening." He smiled in a friendly manner. 

"Now down to the matters at hand, you are obviously not from here, and you are obviously in this line of work. So I will give you a proposal Edgar." I paused at his wording, though not exact this is akin to what Gherman had asked me, right before he um, killed me. All things considered if he lost his glasses and was given a crumpled old hat this man could be Gherman. I took a step back, and my hand hovered above the handle of my cane. "Forgive my caution sir, the last 'proposal' I was given caused my awakening here."  He raised his hand in a sign of goodwill and said. "I was simply going to ask you, if you would like to enroll here. Become a student and continue your work as a Huntsman." I sighed internally, I was a Hunter not a Huntsman, though I'm sure they are the same in profession they have their differences. "What would be expected of me?" I asked. "You would be required to attend classes, and complete missions with your fellow first years." I nodded, this seemed simple enough. "Though you are to be assigned to a team, and thanks to your previous meeting with one our first year teams I will be assigning you to Team RWBY. You will be sharing a dorm with them, and you will be provided with a uniform for your classes, but for now that is all. Girls you are dismissed for the rest of the day, Edgar go with them they will show you to the dorm." 

We turned and walked back to the elevator and as the doors closed questions erupted from all around me and I did my best to answer them, honest. Thankfully the elevator doors opened and before us stood the plain doll, wait no this was someone else. "Hello Miss Goodwitch." She nodded to us and as we stepped out she stepped in and the doors closed. That was strange. We were walking down a large corridor and we soon turned down a smaller hallway lined with doors, this place reminded me of Byrgenwerth. We soon arrived at one of the many doors, and one of the girls pushed a series a buttons and it opened. The room was larger than I had expected but it had the basics. A bookshelf, a desk, a very haphazard set of beds held up by books and rope, probably safe. All in all the rooms seemed rather nice. "What is that?" Blake asked and I looked where she was pointing. To my surprise there stood a small lamp, a messenger lamp. Why was this here? I was freed form the dream I shouldn't be able to see those anymore. "A lamp." Yang said. "Thank you captain obvious, I meant why is it here?" I decided to speak up. "It is a messenger lamp. It is what Hunters use to get to the Hunters Dream for rest and to fix their weapons." I explained and began to approach it. "What are you doing Edgar?" Blake asked. "I'm going to see if I can light it." I reached the lamp and carefully stuck my hand out towards it, my hand was inches away from it and without a second thought I snapped my fingers and the lamp came to life and out from beneath it came four little messengers all wearing top hats a size to large. I heard a screech and a hiss from behind me, I turned to see Weiss in Ruby's arms and Blake in Yang's. Both unceremoniously dropped their partners and came forward in curiosity though Blake landed on her feet. I turned back to the messengers and they were looking up at me. "Uh...What are these Edgar?" Yang asked and I answered. "These are messengers of the dream, my messengers." I tipped my hat to them and they mimicked the gesture before turning back to the lamp and praying. Yep these were my messengers.

"So can you use the lamp?" I nodded and went to raise my hand towards it. "Do you want to come with me? It is safe." I asked those present. Only Ruby agreed to go. "Uh-uh you're not going without me Sis." Yang told Ruby. So that's two, I turned back to Blake and Weiss. "I'll have to pass on it." Blake said and Weiss agreed. "That's fair." I looked back to the lamp and instructed Ruby and Yang to do the same. "Raise your hand to the lamp and and close your eyes. Clear your mind." They did so, and the three of us began to disappear into the dream.

I appreciate the views and I'm hoping you all enjoy this story! Leave a comment if you liked this, and if not tell me why!

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