A Good Fight

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Next chapter for The Hunt Begins Again horrifically late as per usual. In other news, I am bad at naming chapters! Enjoy!

The fight was difficult for the both of us. Two Hunters trading blows is nothing to shake a stick at. However, two Hunters of our caliber, at least pitted against each other, would make quite the show. Each blow was only a hair away from a fatal strike. Every slice of her scythe could spell doom for me and in turn, every slash of my cane meant the same for her. It must have been quite the spectacle watching two seasoned Hunters dueling as we did, and while the fight felt like it lasted forever, it was most likely over in a matter of minutes. Abigail dropped to a knee, as I ran her blood vial reserves dry, I couldn't say much for myself however, I only had a few left.

"Good fight." I huffed out as I tried to catch my breath. I extended a hand to Abigail and pulled her to her feet. "Yeah yeah, good fight, you rune switching Confederate prick. How did one such as yourself acquire such a skill?" I opened my mouth to speak but the words escaped me, what did Ruby call it? A Semblance. "That skill is my Semblance. Imagine it as a master rune just for me." I said as I pushed a blood vial into her hand. "Only you would be so lucky." I allow a smile to grace my features. "You've gotten better with that Burial Blade, have you been practicing?" I posed the question. "You're the 'veteran' hunter old man you tell me." I scoffed at her deflection of the praise. "Perhaps you'll get me next time, eh?" She gave a quiet laugh of her own. "Perhaps next time I'll have a few tricks of my own, Eddy." I gave a quick hunters bow and she returned it with one of her own. "Until next time, partner." I returned her silencing blank to her and she was gone like a shot. Back to the land of Yharnam.

Crisis avoided, I thought to myself. "Mr. Edgar, in my office, now." Shit. It made sense though, there was no way we could continue class with that much blood everywhere and the professor must have a million questions. I gathered myself and followed Goodwitch to her small office in the back of the classroom and made to sit when the door slammed behind me. "Would you mind explaining what on Remnant that little deathmatch was?" Glynda scolded. "She's my hunting partner, I haven't seen her in quite some time." Glynda scoffed. "So your 'hunting partners' first thought upon seeing you is to challenge you to a duel?" She took a breath. "And you expect me to believe that?" I nodded my head and made to speak but she quickly cut me off. "And who was that man she killed?!" I winced, poor Henryk. "That man was named Henryk, and he's not dead. In a sense, he is like me or was, but he should be fine." I remember after we fought in the tomb of Oedon I had him help me with the shadows of Yharnam. "He is from my world and should be on his way back now." Probably very angry but it is what it is. "Just know that no harm came to him, I promise." Glynda opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. "I know that she punched through his ribcage but he's fine!" If her face got any more red steam may come from her ears. She put her head down and sighed. "Ms. Goodwitch?" Her head snapped up and she pointed to the door. "Ozpin will contact you very, very soon."

So out I went and the second I closed the door behind me the bell rang and the mass of students all tried to fit through the door at once to get out of the room. Once in the hallway alive and reunited with my team, I had decided to retire to the library and of course, I promised a full explanation to the rest of the team. Dammit, Abigail.

Once we found a nice little table in a nice little secluded spot in the corner of the vast library, I began to unravel the tale of the strange woman in the big hat who had ripped a man's heart from his chest. I didn't tell them everything of course but only the important bits. She was my hunting partner, we had met fairly early on in the hunt and she had beckoned me for her fight with the Vicar Amelia, apparently, there was some bad blood with Alfred which I can understand, the guy meant well but he was something of a fanatic. Even if I disagree with what she's doing I'm in no hurry to stop her, but the rest is history.

"Damn and I thought I was a heart breaker, eh, eh?" Yang joked. There was a collection of groans around the table but I let out a little snicker. "See! Eddy thinks it's funny!" Yang shouted. "Oh no Edgar what have you done." Ruby sighed. Yang stood and sat next to me. "I'm sitting over here where my jokes are appreciated with my buddy Eddy." I laughed again and the librarian leaned around the corner of a bookshelf and shushed us. "Sorry." I managed between laughs. Once I had gathered myself enough to have a civil conversation with the team I began to speak again. "Now, I trust Abigail and she trusts me, but she is wary around other people and if for some reason she gets beckoned back here and I'm not around, find me or run, don't fight her. She may not look like much, but looks can be deceiving." I heard a buzzing to my right and Ruby held a small device to her ear. "Hello? Yes of course." Ruby handed me the device. "Hello?" I asked into the device. "Edgar? This is Headmaster Ozpin, I need to see you in my office as soon as you can spare the time. I am aware that a rather 'intense' situation played out in combat class today." I nodded and assured him I'd be right up, with that the call ended and I was met with silence as I gave Ruby the device back.

"I am being summoned to the Headmasters office, I am not sure if you lot are to accompany me, but I don't think I would mind a few witnesses should Miss Goodwitch try to kill me." They moved to rise and made to follow me to Ozpins office. We made good time all things considered and were made to sit before Ozpins large desk. "So." He started. "Would you mind telling me what transpired in combat class this afternoon?" I stood and presented Ozpin with my Beckoning Bell. "When I was still in Yharnam, I was given this bell to ask for aid from other hunters, like the two that arrived during class." I handed him the bell to inspect. "Hunters are linked to the resonance of these bells and should one ring this bell they will receive the aid of other hunters." I presented him with the small resonant bell. "Who ring this bell." Who knows what would've happened had this bell rung instead of the beckoning bell. I didn't want to think about it, this world had its problems far as I could tell, but they did not compare to Yharnams.

"May I inquire as to how this bell rang in the first place?" He gestured to the beckoning bell. "That is rather embarrassing but if you must know, I was struck in the face with a dagger and knocked from my seat, and in my scramble to retrieve it, I was stopped by Miss Goodwitch. The bell rang and summoned two of my former associates from Yharnam. Henryk, who was well 'killed' and Abigail, who did the killing." I paused and Ozpin continued to look me up and down, reading me. "Then against my better judgment, we dueled and I managed to come out victorious, and now here we are." Ozpin looked down, took a sip of his coffee, and then sighed.

"I am grateful for your honesty Mr. Edgar, but I cannot let this go unpunished." I nodded, that was fair, I mean come on. Henryk was killed. Sort of. Then Abigail and I had hijacked Miss Goodwitch's class. "That is fair." He nodded. "What is to be my punishment?" He leaned a bit to hand me the bells back and I stuffed them in my satchel. "You will be serving detention with Miss Goodwitch. Cleaning up her classroom, I understand a copious amount of blood was spilled and I'd rather not scar my staff for life, no offense." I dismissed the offense, he knew what I had seen, not everything but he knew there was blood. Lots of blood. "When does this begin?" I asked the question. "As soon as possible. I have a second classroom prepared, but the sooner the original classroom is cleaned the better." I nodded and made my way back to the room, Ruby wanted to help along with Yang but I would have none of it, besides I wouldn't take too long. I had gotten rather good at cleaning up

Bad internet and bad habits have led me here, but here it is ladies and gentlemen another chapter is done. Finally, am I right? I have only myself to blame for this and hopefully, the already regular occurrence of me putting these off for weeks becomes less of a regular occurrence. I just can't find the inspiration sometimes but I haven't stopped trying. Not writing this chapter has been nagging at me for months now. So here it is for those who have been waiting. I read all comments so please don't be afraid to leave one! Any and all feedback is appreciated!

The next chapters production is starting immediately after this one is posted, and should be out within the month. Any and all feedback will be read and considered, we appreciate all of you for reading. - Editor

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