Back to Beacon

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Next chapter here we go. News at the end my lovely readers!

The city was almost unnervingly quiet. The streets once full of Grimm were now empty save for six individuals. Four Huntresses, one Huntsman, and one Hunter. Er, well a beast, who is also a hunter. A Beast-Hunter? Wait, no hang on, I'm off track. Things are serious, ok back to it. My hand is on Ruby's head and it is dead quiet. The team and the professor are standing behind me.


I nodded to Ruby. "It's me." She gave me a small worried smile. Wait a minute...I'm having deja vu. "Ruby!" Three voices shouted in unison as I turned to see the remaining members of team RWBY launch forward to attack. "Wait!" I shouted, but to no avail. Thinking on my feet I grabbed Ruby and quickstepped to the side to avoid the attacks, couldn't let the poor girl get hurt simply because of my appearance and rather beastly actions only a few moments prior. Setting her down I jumped again to the side. "Stop dammit!" I leaned back to avoid a rapier through the chest and stepped under a shotgun blast from Yang, only to be caught by a black ribbon wrapping around my foot. Yang stumbled forward and Weiss being the more elegant fighter spun on her heel to attack again. Thinking on my feet I turned and grabbed the ribbon and pulled hard, sending Blake flying towards Weiss and causing the two to collide. Yang must have gotten her bearings back and jumped over the two, pulling her fist back ready to strike. I opened my hand and caught her fist, it must have surprised her. Though it must have surprised her even more when I reared my head back and headbutted her as hard as I could which caused her aura to flare.

"Children! Stop this at once!"

I looked behind me to see Dr. Oobleck standing there. The normally upbeat and caffeinated professor had a rather serious look on his face and he seemed to tower over even me. "Now, may I please ask you all to lower your weapons?" They looked confused at the doctors' question. "He was gonna attack Ruby!" Yang said, looking at the doctor. "Would you believe me if I told you this wasn't the first time this has happened?" He simply smiled. "I believe this is all a matter of perspective. I saw what happened Miss Xiao-Long, it may have been a rather unorthodox method of aiding Miss Rose but I believe Edgar saved your dear sister and you three owe the young man an apology." They stood dumbfounded. "Though I can understand how his appearance may have thrown you three off." I looked down at myself and saw that my cloak was in tatters exposing my sickly green skin and ribs that were almost protruding through my skin. Covering me was a rather thick layer of blood that was slowly evaporating into a thick black smoke.

I could see their confusion now. A near seven-foot-tall beast man covered in black smoke with a clawed hand outstretched at their leader could be a rather frightening sight. "I understand why you three felt the need to protect your leader, but try to resist the urge to react so compulsively in the future. Now is everyone alright?" Team RWBY and I nodded to the doctor. "Now."

Oobleck appeared in front of me, behind me, my sides, he lifted my arms. "What could explain such a change in appearance? You look so sickly yet you were able to take on three huntresses in training! Your strength and endurance must be incredible, we definitely have to run some tests! Take samples, oh the possibilities!" He looked to the five of us clearly seeing the apprehension on my face, cleared his throat, adjusted his glasses, and coughed out. "Within reason of course Edgar. No harm would come to you." My shoulders relaxed and I no longer had the urge to put as much distance between myself and the doctor. I've had rather horrible experiences with them in the past.

"So, seeing as the Grimm are gone shall we proceed to the rendezvous children?" Again a collective nod from the rest of us and once again we took off towards safety. It was odd, I feel more unnerved now than I did while the six of us were running from the horde of Grimm.

Once on the bullhead, I was bombarded with questions from all sides.

"What happened to you?"


"Are you a Faunus?"


"Are you a spy for the White Fang sent to assassinate me?!"


"What it's possible."

"Children, please. One at a time."

I'm gonna have to buy this man a pound of coffee after this. "Yes please, one at a time." Ruby went first. "What happened to you?" I pondered the question for a second. "Once upon a time I killed a giant beast named Laurence."

"A Grimm you mean?" Weiss asked.

"No I mean a beast, he looked a little bit like I do but he was maybe fifteen or so feet taller than me and he was on fire. Completely engulfed in flames." I could almost feel the stares coming from all directions of the bullhead. "I'm serious." More looks of disbelief in my general direction. Maybe I'll introduce them to Laurence one day, at least what is left of him. The nightmare swirls and churns unending and all that.

"As I said, after he died I saw the image of the Beast's Embrace rune. With this rune it let me take the form of a beast and more effectively use the Beast Claw." I looked at Yang. "That wicked looking gauntlet I showed you."

"Do you have this rune Edgar?" Oobleck asked. "I would like to study as much about where you came from as I can." I tapped the side of my head. "It's in here but I can make a rough sketch of it for you."

"That would be splendid." I nodded to the doctor and continued on. "Alright next question."

"Are you a Faunus Edgar?" I was a bit confused at Blakes question. "What is a Faunus?"

Blake tilted her head and Doctor Oobleck explained. "A race of people with animalistic traits, they possess animal ears, tails, teeth, etc."

"So like me?" The doctor made a 'so-so' gesture with his hand "You would be an extreme case my boy and I am unsure what animal you would even begin to resemble. No offense intended of course." I looked quizzically at the Doctor. I am a beast though, at least my form resembles that of one. "We called these," I pointed to myself. "Beasts back in Yharnam, though in most cases they towered 15 feet above the tallest man."

"So not a Faunus?" Blake asked and I shook my head no. "You four remember the lantern in the dorm room right?" They nodded. "With the little messengers?" More nodding. "I am not entirely certain if I have access to the awakening tombstones but one day if Professor Ozpin allows it I will show you what a beast is. Not the watered down version." Again gesturing to myself.

"It appears we have arrived back at Beacon. Children, you may return to your dorms and you are excused for the day. I will take a mission report to the Headmaster."

And just like that, we were all back in the dorm with our feet up. Metaphorically speaking, of course, I was cleaning my cane, Blake was reading, Weiss was studying, Ruby was snoring lightly from the horribly made bunk beds, and Yang was sitting next to me making small talk.

"No offense to you but how long do you think you'll look like that Edgar?" I shrugged, "The process used to be I had to equip different runes, or at least put them in my mind in a sense at a special altar." She looked over to the lamp. "Is that altar in the dream place?" I nodded "I've never done it like this before. Just changed like this."

"Maybe it's your semblance you dolt." Weiss called from her study desk. "You can probably change your runes at will." I looked down for a moment. "She may be right Edgar." Blake called from behind her book. "Maybe if you concentrate and picture the rune you can remove it?"

I nodded to her and placed a clawed hand on my forehead and tried to concentrate. I could see it, the gentle Beasts Embrace and then in its place the Hunters rune. I gasped and in a flash of yellow, I was me again, but more importantly, I can change runes at will. "Ey! It worked Blakey we got our old Eddy back!" She was right I was back to my old self, my beat up, scarred old self. Oh well better me than the beast. I had to admit there was a certain freedom in the beast form, the form itself was wild and savage, giving me more power behind my attacks but at the same time sacrificing my defense. A bit of a double-edged sword. I could hit harder, move faster, and my overall strength was increased tenfold, but I could be completely toppled in a few well-placed hits if I were not careful. A glass cannon if you would. Regardless, Yang was right, I had returned. "I never left Yang." She giggled "I know goofball." I smirked and she laughed. "I think I'll be following Ruby's lead and turning in for the night." I was met with a quiet snore from our leader and I chuckled as I made my way to the small bed in the corner that Ozpin had moved in for me. I took my boots off and sat my hat and cloak on the small trunk at the foot of my bed. After such a long day I was asleep in seconds.

Here's this chapter done! I am now starting work on my long forgotten story Metro: A New Light! I hope to do these one at a time, one chapter for Bloodborne and one for Metro, but knowing me it'll probably get away from me but that's what friends are for.

We will continue work on both stories, and continue trying to shorten the gap between chapters. The Hunt Begins Again... Isn't going anywhere. -Editor

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