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Mr. Jeon didn't say anything to me the next day about the incident that occurred last night. He just gave me the work I need to get done and that's that. Nothing else, I guess he didn't really see me. I hope he was asleep cause if he wasn't that would have been very awkward I guess.
Today is one of those days where my boss piled on the work load on me. My neck and back hurts, I can't anymore it's way over my office time. It's about 12 a.m. so I decide to go to him and ask if I can complete the rest of the files tomorrow. I knock and get in his cabin.
"Mr. Jeon can I complete the rest of the files tomorrow it's getting pretty late." I say looking at him.
"Um okay you can but make sure..." he stops as a alarm goes off.
"Security Shut Down." A auto voice says over and over as I see the cabin door lock automatically as they are not key system they are automatic fingerprint system. The lights go off and suddenly the temperature drops. It feels like the central ac is at the lowest temperature.
"Sir what's this?" I ask shivering.
"The new auto system we got installed sometimes does this when there's no one but I guess we stayed late so that's why it's happening." He says with an annoyed tone.
Oh man trust me at this point my legs are freezing. I curse this pencil skirt I'm wearing.
"Sir, please help me I'm feeling really cold." I say feeling like I'm about to die out of hypothermia.
"Stop overreacting nothing will happen to you." He says and turns on the flashlight of his phone.

I shiver more and slowly walk to the velvet couch and sit on it hugging my knees. I hate being cold I don't like the feeling at all. After a while I start to feel sleepy so I lay down on the couch and close my eyes.
"Hey! Ms. Y/l/n wake the fuck up or else you will die." He says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Sure I'll die Mr. Arrogant." I say not being able to comprehend what I'm saying and to whom I'm saying it to.
I was about to fall into deep sleep when I feel a hard pinch on my arm. My god it feels like my skin just ripped off. I yelp sitting my rubbing my arms and look at my fucking boss and honestly I really feel like punching him.
"Don't sleep! you stupid you will die." He says and starts to walks away.
"What can I do I feel really cold and all I want to do is sleep." I say and lay down again.
He walks back and holds me up by my shoulders and makes me sit.
"Don't sleep Y/n you will die." He says and sits beside me.
I look at him and hug his body tight. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.
"How are you so hot." I ask and don't even regret asking it.
He stiffens not saying anything to me and slowly holds me back rubbing my arms back and forth to create friction. I snuggle to him more as somehow his body temperature is very hot. Hold on does he have fever?
"Are you sick Mr. Jeon?" I ask looking up at him.
He looks down at me and says nothing. I hesitantly put the back of my hand on his forehead to check his temperature. Yes I was right he has fever.
"You have fever Mr. Jeon we need to get you out of here." I say letting him go and stand up ready to bang on the door.
"No use there is no network in my cell phone and the shut down stays like this for a good few hours." He says.
I walk to him and make him lay on the couch holding him by his shoulders.
"Then you lay here." I say and walk to the bathroom to see if there are any towels or something. Bingo, I find a few towels and take them to him. He stares at me probably not knowing what the towels are for. I put them over his body covering it up as much as possible.
"Aren't you feeling cold?" He asks looking at me.
"I am but right now it's more important to keep you warm." I say and smile at him.
He says nothing and holds my hand and pulls me to him and makes me lay on top of him. I stare at him feeling my body heat up all off a sudden. He covers both of us with the towels and wraps his arms around my waist closing his eyes.
I will die, if this is how we are going to be for the rest of the night I will surely die. My heart is pounding in my chest. I try to calm down and relax in the warmth of his embrace but damn it's really hard to forget that I'm literally in the arms of my hot boss.

Jungkook's POV

I didn't sleep this peacefully since I left Nishi. I tired seeing a doctor, took medications but nothing helped. My sleep was no where to be found. But from I don't know where Y/n walked in my life and brought my sleep back with her. I remember exactly what happened yesterday. I woke up when she was loosening my tie but I still kept my eyes closed so that I don't scare her away. After she left for the first time in recent years I slept a peaceful sleep. It's weird how someone you don't know can bring you peace.
I lied about my phone not having network. I want to stay with her like this. I want to sleep, I want peace. And at this moment I'm feeling all of those things at once. I sigh in relief and hold her tighter and feel her fast heart beat against my chest. I can tell she's nervous, but I don't feel like she's uncomfortable. I close my eyes and start to fall in deep slumber.

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