Clubs & Confessions

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Dean x Reader

Wrote this one early on but wasn't sure if I should post it...let me know what you think!

You and Jo hunt a vamp preying on girls in a night club

Adding a touch more eyeshadow to your lid you stand up straight to check out your reflection. You'd never been a big one for makeup or dressing up. Leggings, jeans, and t shirts were more your thing. Besides, who wanted to take forever every day painting their face? As you studied your reflection you nodded slightly, impressed with your work. Since you didn't use makeup much you usually came out looking like a five year old had colored your face. This time you had taken your time and tried to actually blend and dab everything in the right spot.

Hearing the bathroom door open you looked towards it, Jo walked in and whistled. "Damn girl, we only wanna draw out the vamp, not make him beg on his knees." Rolling your eyes you began fidgeting with the bottom of your dress for the hundredth time. Internally groaning you tried to figure out why you agreed to wear such a short dress. It was cute you had to admit. It hugged your chest and waist but flared out slightly towards the bottom, which unfortunately only reached to mid thigh.

Jo walked forward until she was standing beside you and looking in the mirror at your reflections, "you ready for your first club experience?" Sighing you nodded, in truth you just wanted tonight to be over with. "You sure you need me to go? It's just one vamp, maybe one of the guys should go instead." Jo shook her head and began leading you towards the door. "Nope, your going. One, because your a badass hunter. Two, cause even though we're on a case we're gonna have fun. And three," she smirked at this point. "I can't wait to see Deans face when he sees you."

Stopping in your tracks your head shot up to look at Jo, you felt your cheeks redden and tried to act like you didn't care. "Why would Dean care how I look? It's just a little dressing up for a hunt, he's got better things to do than worry about what I'm wearing." In truth you also wanted to see Deans face when he saw you. He had always had a special place in your heart, although you'd never told him. Going into your room you grabbed your jacket off your bed, "Alright lets get this over with." Jo slid her own jacket on and motioned towards the door for you to go ahead of her.

Walking down the hall of the bunker  you began talking about the hunt and going over the plan again. According to your research this vampire had been sticking to one night club about two hours away from the bunker. He was going after girls and luring them away for the night only to drain and kill them. So far the count had reached five and you were both determined to stop him before that number got any higher. Walking into the main room you didn't realize Sam was standing in the corner putting away some books he had used earlier that day.

"Wow, you guys look great."

Stopping you looked over at the giant, smiling and crossing your arms over your chest. "Thanks Sam, did you figure out what's going on in that town outside of Denver?" Slipping the last book into place on the shelf he turned and walked towards you. "Yeah pretty sure its a Rugaru. I called Garth and let him know what I think he's dealing with. He actually seemed pretty excited." Shaking your head you thought about how much you loved the dorky hunter.

"Sammy I think we're outta beer, you or Y/N wanna make a run to..." Dean walked into the room and caught sight of you. He froze in place and his eyes widened. As far as reactions go you were pretty happy with his. For once you began thinking maybe you really were pretty. Shaking his head as though he needed to clear certain thoughts Dean cleared his throat and tried to play it cool. "What's with the getup, got a hot date or something?" He leaned against the door frame and smirked.

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