Never Back Down Part 1

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Dean x Reader

This is a story I wrote last year, I've been tweaking and working on it but I finally feel like its ready. While working a case where multiple people have disappeared the brothers and reader are confused on what could be responsible. It isn't until the reader is taken that the truth is discovered, but will Sam and Dean be too late?

Tears streamed down your face and you couldn't seem to catch your breath, the burn in your lungs demanding oxygen. Sitting up from your position laying on the floor you tried to steady yourself and breath slowly. Wiping your tear streaked face you looked up at the tall man standing across from you, his own breathing ragged.

Suddenly the door opened letting cool air enter the motel room, "Um, whats going on here?"

Sharing a look with Sam you were both right back to laughing uncontrollably and rolling on the floor. Deans face turned to confusion as he walked towards the table to set down the take out bags. "Okay what's so funny? Sammy get rejected or something?"

Sam shot his brother a bitch face but couldn't hold back his grin, "Nope, just goofing around with Y/N. Ya know, telling jokes, funny stories, etc. She seemed to particularly like one from when we were little, do you remember going to the lake with dad Dean, you know the ONE day we got to just hangout?"

Trying to control your giggling you watched as Deans face stayed confused for a minute but then suddenly lit up in realization. His cheeks turned red, putting his hands in his pockets he shot his brother a glare. "Nope Sammy, can't say I do. You sure it was with me and Dad?"

With a final giggle and a rumbling in your stomach you decided to cut him a break, standing up you made your way towards the table following the smell of food. "Don't worry Dean, your secrets safe with me." With this you shot him a wink and grabbed a box and a fork. Sitting down you dug in as the guys did the same.

"Okay so getting back to business, did you dorks find out anything else or were you too busy laughing at my expense?" Dean grumbled while eating his food. Sam cleared his throat and pulled his laptop over so you could all see the screen. "So far as we can tell its got be a Wendigo. I mean there are almost fifteen people missing in the last month. Nothing else really takes people in numbers like that."

Nodding your agreement you tried to talk with your mouth full, "I agree, nothing was left behind so it rules out vampire or werewolf." Dean shot you a look, "Real ladylike Y/N."

Swallowing you stick out your tongue at him and grin. "Anyway, there isn't even a pattern. Its both men and women missing and thr all different ages with nothing really in common. Being human is the only thing that matches." Standing up and throwing away his container Dean stretches, "Okay I say we get some sleep and then tomorrow we can check out the local forests. I still say there isn't enough around here for a Wendigo but we can check anyway. I'm gonna grab a shower."

Leaving your eyes trained on your food you grinned, just before Dean reached the bathroom door he heard your voice, "Make sure there aren't any turtles before you jump in." Stopping he shot you a look over his shoulder, turning around you burst out laughing at the look on his face, Sam following suit. Lifting a finger Deans serious face came out, "Just for the record those things hurt when they bite and he was definitely coming for me!" This only made you laugh harder, Dean scoffed and went into the bathroom, slamming the door.

Looking up at Sam and grinning you went back to finishing your meal, "Dude I'm holding that over him for the rest of our lives." Sam chuckled and got up to throw away his container, sitting back at the table he began looking up the best areas to search for tomorrow. Walking towards the mini fridge you opened the door only to find you were out of pretty much everything. "Hey Sam I'm gonna run to the vending machine outside you want anything?"

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