Not So Bad

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Sam x Reader

When the reader needs to play bait for a hunt she realizes she'll need to buy something to wear unfortunately shopping has never been her favorite but with Sams help, maybe that can change.

Warning: mentions of insecurity, anxiety about appearance

Sitting on the edge of the motel bed you subconsciously began to pick at your fingernails as you watched Dean talk to someone on the phone. Nerves began to build as he hung up, from what you heard of his side of the conversation you weren't going to like what he said next. Putting the phone back into his jeans pocket Dean turned around with a smirk.

"Okay sweetheart, Sam said the guy is supposed to be at the local club tonight according to his friend. Since he's picking up girls and then taking them home to feed I say our best bet is for someone who can handle herself to be his date tonight."

Rolling your eyes you stood as you crossed your arms over your chest, "Damnit Dean you know I hate dressing up. Why can't we just wait until he grabs some chick and follow them?"

Dean walked between the two beds and fell down onto his. Turning over to lay on his back he shrugged before putting both hands behind his head. "You really want to risk some innocent woman so you don't have to be a little uncomfortable?"

Sighing you knew he was right, swallowing the nervous knot in your stomach you turned to grab your wallet from the small kitchen table along with your jacket. "Fine, but if you make fun of me I will use my knife to scratch your precious baby."

Frowning Dean watched you walk towards the door, "Hey no need to get hostile! Where are you going?"

Opening the door and stepping out you turned to reach for the knob as you shrugged, "Didn't pack anything fancy besides my fed clothes. I'll be back in a while."

Nodding he understood Dean turned over to catch some sleep while you were gone. Walking down the row of rooms you sighed, you hated shopping. And not just in a nothing is ever cute enough way but more of a nothing ever fits because the world believes everyone is the same size way. You'd hunted with the Winchesters for almost two years now, Dean was like an annoying brother you never knew you needed while Sam on the other hand stole your heart from the beginning.

Sam was amazingly sweet and loyal, he fought hard and never backed down from a fight, especially when protecting those he cared about. Many nights you spent with Sam watching old movies or talking about different books you'd both read. He quickly became your best friend, someone you opened up to and was there every time the hunting life tried to take you down. It also didn't hurt that the man was the sexiest you'd ever seen. On more than one occasion you'd seen him shirtless and almost physically drooled.

As close as you were to both brothers neither of them knew of your anxiety with your appearance. Because you were a hunter it was easy to wear only jeans and t shirts and lounge around in sweatpants. You'd actually lied to them both, letting them believe you hated dressing up when in fact you actually wanted to, you just could never find anything that made you feel beautiful. Being a hunter meant you frequently had to to do something physical, but paired with living off of diner food you'd never really been a small girl.

Not to say you were huge or anything, you simply were a little more curvy than most of the women the guys met. Shaking your head you began heading down the street and towards the center of town. Luckily for you the motel was close to just about everything since Sam took the impala. Looking around for a shop that might be helpful you quickly began to grow discouraged as you noticed most of the shops were the usual boutiques that catered to smaller women. Beginning to feel anxious you finally noticed a shop on the corner just past two of the other stores.

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