Had To Be Done

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Dean x Reader

After capturing a demon close to Abbadon and trying to get information from him without success, the reader realizes they need to step in and get the information, whatever it takes.

Running forward you ducked just as you reached the demon. Avoiding the punch he'd thrown and following it with an upper cut of your own you smirked when you heard him yell out in pain. Stumbling back the demon shook his head and growled in frustration. You and the Winchesters had found a hunt in North Carolina, demonic signs and disappreances pointing to a demon. What you didn't expect to find was a few of Abbadon's lieutenants preparing for some type of ritual.

Currently you were fighting one demon as the boys took on the other two, breathing heavily you knew it was time to end this or you might not last much longer. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Sam kill the woman just as Dean stabbed the man in front of him. The final demon smirked as he ran towards you, faintly you heard Dean call your name but you were too focused. As the demon grew close you immediately grabbed onto his arms, sitting down on the ground and putting your feet into his hips you threw him over your head.

Holding tightly and following his body with yours you ended up straddling his chest, the look on his face was one of total shock. Landing a quick solid punch to his face you knocked him out and sat back, breathing hard. Both brothers ran up at that moment, holding out a hand to help you stand Dean gave you a smirk. "You know your pretty damn sexy when you fight."

Chuckling you just shook your head, "Down boy, I think we should take this one back. Maybe he can give us some answers on what Abbadon is planning." Kissing Dean on the cheek you moved to help clean up the bodies before dumping the unconscious demon in the trunk. A long car ride and a grumpy demon later you were all standing in the dungeon of the bunker, the demon tied to a chair in front of you.

"I don't know what you think your going to get out of me, I'm one of her most trusted for a reason." The demon smirked and laughed. Dean moved so fast he didn't see it coming but the sound of something cracking was heard as the demons head whipped to the side and he coughed up blood. Shaking his hand once Dean continued to glare. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, your pick."

Laughing once more the demon simply smiled and sat there, "I told you, I have nothing to say." Dean gave Sam a look and they began walking out the door into the hall, you following behind. Shutting and locking the door you all headed straight for the kitchen. Sam walked towards the fridge and grabbed three beers, Dean took a seat at the table while you sat on his lap. His arm wrapped around your waist as yours laid across his shoulders and you simply took a moment to enjoy the feeling of your boyfriend holding you.

Sam set down the beers and rubbed both hands across his face, "Okay so what's the plan. He seems pretty adamant he's not gonna talk." Taking a long pull from his bottle Dean sat it back down. Tightening his arm around you and pressing a kiss to your shoulder you felt how tense he was. "I don't know Sammy, we're just gonna have to get creative I guess."

Three days later the demon still hadn't talked and the guys were beginning to get frustrated. Walking down the hall you heard them arguing in the war room.

"No Dean that's not an option this time!"

"Why not? We've tried it your way, now it's time to try it mine. You know I can get answers from him Sam."

You could hear Sam let out a breath and knew he must be shaking his head, "Damnit Dean you can't go back to that place. The things you'd have to do, there's no way I'm letting you become that man again."

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