Never Left My Side

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Dean x Reader

Just a short one I thought about recently, some cute fluff mixed in :)

Looking up as the familiar sound of the bunker door opening rang throughout the room a smile spread across your face knowing the guys were home safe. The smile quickly faded as Sam came through the door supporting an unconcious Dean. Running up the stairs to help you began checking Dean over for any wounds. Feeling as though a heat wave radiated from his body you shot Sam a concerned look.

"What the hell happened?"

Reaching the bottom of the stairs and heading towards the bedrooms Sam grunted, "The witch, she shot off a curse at Dean just before he shot her. I don't know what she did but he started acting like he was sick, fever, vomiting, chills, the works. Finally this morning he passed out and hasn't woken up since."

Moving your hand to feel his forehead you couldn't help but wince at the sweaty skin. Making it to Deans bedroom you quickly laid him down before getting to work.

"Sam go find out what curse the witch used, I'll take care of Dean."

Nodding as he walked out of the room you sighed as Dean mumbled something in his sleep. A deep frown took over his face, almost as though he were having a nightmare. Sitting beside him and running your hand across his face you smiled as he visibly relaxed. Leaning forward and kissing his forehead you watched as his eyes seemed to move back and forth frantically behind his lids.

"It's gonna be okay Dean."

Stripping him down to only his boxers and tshirt you made sure to tuck him under the blankets to help with his cold chills. Walking over to the sink in his room you wet a rag with cool water before moving back to place it on his clammy forehead. After sitting with him for an hour you heard heavy footsteps grow closer from the hallway. Walking in Sam's eyes rose to meet yours, the look on his face made your heart drop to your stomach.


Moving to sit on Deans other side Sam looked to his brother for a moment before responding, "I called Cas, he said he should be here soon and will do what he can. The curse she used makes the victim incredibly ill, eventually they..."

Looking up as you squeezed Deans hand you could feel tears build in your eyes, "They what Sam?"

Lifting his head to meet your gaze Sam sighed, "Sooner or later thier body gives out."

Shifting your gaze to Dean you felt a few tears escape, you couldn't lose him. Only Sam knew how much you loved the goofy Winchester, never being brave enough to tell him yourself you'd decided to just let it go. Now it seemed you would never get the chance. Clearing your throat and standing up to wet the rag once more you felt determination settle in.

"Does Cas think he can fix him?"

Hearing Sam stand up you turned around before walking back to Deans side. Placing the rag on his head you smiled slightly seeing his face relax slightly.

"He said he should be able to help reverse it."

Nodding you shot Sam a small smile, "Go get some rest Sam, I've got Dean covered." Giving his brother a final look he shot you a grateful smile before heading to his own room. That night proved difficult but you never wavered. Dean woke suddenly four times, each one to violently throw up. You tried to get him to drink some water each time but before he could he would pass out once again. His fever also seemed to grow worse, grabbing two comforters from another bedroom you tried to make him as comfortable as possible.

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