Not Afraid Anymore

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Souless Sam x Reader

Request by @Satans_FirstDaughter! Reader and Sam had feelings for each other prior to his fall into the pit but neither ever had the courage to make a move. What happens when Sam comes back and seems to know exactly what he wants? Will you listen to that voice saying something is wrong, or give in to something you've wanted for so long...

WARNING: smut, unprotected sex

The day Sam threw himself into the pit had been the worst of your life. Watching the man you loved sacrifice himself for the good of the world shattered your heart into a million jagged pieces that cut into your soul as you watched the earth close up. The tears immediately came pouring out as the pain increased, crawling over to Dean who looked as bad as you did you simply held each other as the pain grew worse. Especially when you realized you'd never gotten the chance to tell him how you felt.

From day one of hunting with the Winchesters you knew Sam was special. Your dads had been introduced by Bobby when you were all younger, after your dad died Bobby took you in and you'd been with him for years before running into the boys again. After helping them with a pretty nasty demon case you stuck with them, traveling from motel to motel fighting monster after monster. Just like when you were kids Dean fell back into the big brother role while Sam was your best friend.

After that day in the cemetary Dean went back to Lisa and Ben while you went back to Bobby. A little over a year later your life changed once more when Dean and Sam walked in the front door of Bobby's house. Seeing the younger Winchester your heart had stopped, but before you could say anything you noticed something was wrong. Maybe it was the way he stood staring as though nothing held his interest, or the dull look in his eyes, but something was different. Shaking your head and moving forward you'd wrapped your arms around the giant brother thinking his time in hell had affected him. But as he hugged you back, no real emotion in it, your mind began to wonder.

Three months had gone by since Sams return, currently you were sitting in an armchair in the corner of the motel room reading about dragons as Sam and Dean sat at the tiny kitchenette table reading through newspaper articles. Sighing and closing the book you began stretching the tight muscles in your back, as your arms flexed above your head you felt the edge of your shirt ride up exposing your stomach. Feeling a small shiver run down your spine you couldn't help but turn your head towards the boys.

Hazel eyes were trained on the small bit of exposed flesh, a hungry look passing through them. Shifting and sitting up you quickly pulled down your shirt as you stood, looking up your eyes met Sam's, the hunger still evident as he shamelessly surveyed your body. Clearing your throat and pushing away the sudden warmth you felt in your stomach you tried to look away.

"I don't know about you guys but I can't read anymore, any one else hungry?"

Setting down the paper he was going through Dean nodded as he stood and began walking towards the bathroom, "Hell yeah, grab me my usual would ya sweetheart? I'm gonna grab a shower."

Smiling and nodding as you grabbed your jacket you looked once more at Sam as you began walking past him towards the door, "Sam?"

Surprise came over your face as a large warm hand grabbed your arm before you could make it to the door. Looking over you saw Sam almost smirk as his eyes met yours, "I'm fine, besides, I doubt they'll have what I want to eat." The intensity in the way he stared made another surge of warmth form in your stomach. Eyes widening as you felt a blush form on your cheeks you quickly moved towards the door.

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