Chapter 17

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Melissa's POV
I got a text from Bruno and it was his address. I never been to his house before. He would usually come here or we'd go out. I sprayed some perfume over my outfit and grabbed my Gucci book bag.

 I sprayed some perfume over my outfit and grabbed my Gucci book bag

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I got into my car and followed the directions to his house. I arrived in 10 minutes pulling up to this big ass gated home. He was surprised by my house but damn his looked bigger than mine. I buzzed the button for the gate and seconds later the big metal gates opened. All of his cars were out front and i parked next to the escalade.

He had the same Benz just a different color. When i shut off the car, i saw Bruno coming out of the front door. He had that assigned dimpled smile on his face. What was he up to?
He opened my door and held his hand out.

When I got out of the car, he wrapped his hands around my waist and attached his lips to mine. His lips were so sweet and soft. We separated from the kiss and looked me up and down.

"You look sexy Mel." He said licking his lips walking me towards the door. The front doors of his house was taller than the both of us. "Thank you! You do too." I said pushing his shoulder making him chuckle. "Well welcome to my home. I'll give you a tour after i give you your surprise." He said smiling.

I wondered what it could be. We always talked about random things. I don't ever remember talking about things that i wanted. A big ass dog turned the corned and ran to me. He started jumping on me and licking my hands. "Enough boy. This is my dog Geronimo." He said pulling him off of me.

The dog was so cute. "He really likes you! He's never did that to someone the first time meeting them." Bruno said rubbing Geronimo's head. "Are you ready for your surprise?" He asked smiling ear to ear.

I shook my head fast and he walked away going into another room. I studied the room and it was a lot family pictures and pictures with his band. The vibe of the room was so homey. I heard Bruno's footsteps and I turned towards him and he had a small puppy in his hand.

My mouth dropped and I couldn't believe it. I told Bruno i wanted a puppy in one of our conversations but I didn't think he'd remember. "Mel this for you it's a golden retriever." He said smiling petting the top of it's back.

The dog was so small and golden. He handed the dog to me and I instantly fell in love. "Oh my gosh Bruno!" I said lost for words. I honestly didn't know what to say. The dog cuddled against my chest. "Mel i remember you said you get lonely at home and that you wanted a puppy. Which also goes along with what i want to talk to about." He said rubbing his hands through his hair.

He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the couch. I put puppy down and it laid against my leg. I guess he was already attached to me or just very sleepy.

"So babygirl. The reason i did all of this is because i want to be something more to you. I want to be more than a best friend. I want to be able for you to come to me about everything. I don't wanna keep having sex knowing that you mean much more than that. Trust me I love fucking you. But i want to be able to make love to you." He said looking deep into my eyes. I tried to speak but he cut me off.

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