1 ; a personal encounter to a personal disaster

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your's truly,

You know what's really sad? Is when you apply to ten jobs as a personal "slave" and can't even get one.

Okay, so slave may be a little far fetched but let's face it. Being an assistant to cocky ass CEOs isn't exactly the best job to sign up for. Unfortunately, it's the only job that will get me into the business in the first place with my little credentials.

So here I was. The last job on my list after several others, waiting in a long ass line of completely dolled up women to see Jung Hoseok's current secretary.


Three women stood up excluding me, then I stood up a little after. The man known to be Mr. Jung's secretary narrowed his eyes at the four of us, my eyes looking away from his most of the time.

"Chaeyoung. Rosé? Park Chaeyoung Rosé."

"T-that's me." I mumbled raising my hand out of the four and stepping forward. The man glanced me down and I unconsciously pulled at my tight pencil skirt feeling more out of place than I would at a shopping mall.

"Follow me."

The women left to be interviewed eyed me with distaste and obvious certainty that I'd be out as soon as I walked into the secretary's office. But for some reason, that wasn't the case.

Two other women had came before me. They both left in tears and heels in hand with covered faces. It was tragic how brutal the rejection must've been but seeing as Jung Hoseok was actually sitting on one of the couches, leisuring around with a mug of coffee in his hand, I was sure I would end up like the two before.

I swallowed down what was left of my pride before taking a seat where instructed to. The secretary walked towards another room in the large office and left me and the big boss to ourselves. The tension was more than awkward and I could feel the harshness the man had by just his stare on my body. I looked around the room purposely avoiding eye contact as I tried to cover my bare thighs with my folded hands.

I took a daring glance at the man— just a millisecond and was already stunned by his abstract beauty. I know.. in Korea wouldn't be considered the best looking. But for me? He didn't need his credentials to tickle my fancy. He was the epitome of my ideal type. His body was broad in all the right places. He wore black slacks and a simple white v neck shirt that screamed casual. His eyebrows were arched in a manner that had a strong willed attitude and his jaw was chiseled to the bone. His nose as well. If I didn't know better, he came straight out of my dreams. But right now, he's my living nightmare.

"Ms. Chaeyoung, is it?

"Y-yes sir."

The corner of his lips turned up and I felt a weird churning sensation at my stomach. Heat rose to my ears, a way of bashfulness my body could never control.

A small chuckle escaped his lips and I was forced to meet his eyes by the silence.

God, I was right. He is the perfect man.

"Can you take a wild guess— just random, what my favorite number would be?" He asked me leaning on his forearms on top where his knees met his quads and smirked wider. "Hm?"

I choked a bit before replying. "1?"

"Good guess." He toddled his head a bit and smiled. "I do like being number one. But unfortunately that is not the answer. Try again."


"And what made you say that?"

"Wild guess."

He nodded firmly and leaned back against the couch he sat on staring me down with those beautiful brown eyes. "Do you know what number you were on my list?"

"Number 3 sir."

"And do you know what I will tell you now?"

"No sir."

"You got the job." He chuckled. "I also hate guessing games by the way."

My lips frowned. And it certainly wasn't the reaction he was expecting. "I'm sorry."

"Excuse me?"

"I-I'm going to have to decline your offer and withdraw my application. I'm— I'm so sorry."

I looked at this man for longer than I should've after that reply. I wasn't thinking straight coming in here and I sure as hell wasn't thinking straight right now. But as soon as his angry and dark eyes met mine again, I ran out of the office with my heels in my hands except I wasn't in tears like the rest.

I can't work with him when he had women wanting to work for him with better benefits. I was nothing. My last job was a retail manager and I wasn't exactly the best looking like the girls in the hall. I felt under-appreciated. By myself and by others who'd see me working for this man. He also was more than just an angry CEO. I can tell he had standards. I wasn't it.

He deserved better than me. Someone with little to no credentials.

I shook my head out of it before running into another beautiful man with shocked and horrified eyes.

"Woah woah woah." A low voice fumbled against me. "And where are you going, gorgeous?"

Holy shit, this was another one. Jeon Jungkook.

I opened my mouth to speak before I was momentarily stopped.

"Don't stand there, Jeon, bring her back!"

I looked to the wide eyed man in a suit before sprinting on my feet away from the commotion and building.

What the fuck...

Did Jung Hoseok, the big bad CEO...

Chase after me?

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