Prologue: The Calm Before You

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'It'​s alright, now count 1,2,3 and forget;

Erase all sad memories;

Just hold my hand and smile.'

-BTS [2!3!]


[Weekly updates! Once or Twice~ Please bear with the lengthy descriptions for the prologue. The rest of the story isn't​ really this way.]​

A malevolent sky pressed down on the city of Seoul, the clouds an impervious carpet of white. The translucent blue filled your vision as you bid your colleagues goodbye. Returning their tired smiles with a polite one of your own, the cafe staff went their separate ways- You to the supermarket nearby.

On your way, your looked up to the wash of blue with a sigh, before your expression transacted into a slightly more determined one. 'Sales~' Your mind sang. With the thought of saving the precious thousand won the reason for your slightly more optimistic aura, you fastened your steps slightly, a small smile miring you proportionate features.

Our camera is focused on the protagonist of this tale, [L/N] [Y/N]. You.

You had nothing really outstanding about yourself. You had long, [H/C] hair that reached slightly below your elbows, in gentle and subtle waves, and relatively fair skin. Your face though, was one that was breathtaking, to say the least. It was a shame that you never really acknowledged it. ((My shallow ass wants the reader to be hot, problem?))

Your face lit up as the store came into sight. It was a simple one storied supermarket, the cool white lights shining on the tiles of the floor. Your slight pumps thud against the floor in steady, rhythmic thumps as you made your way along the aisles. Your day job at the cafe had ended early today, giving you time to go shopping before going home to cook lunch and leaving for your night job in the evening.

You had recently came back to Korea after attending school in the States, and you're not really in the best financial situation right now. You had to take on two jobs just to cover the rent of your decently sized apartment. You had been chided at before by your co-workers, of course. 'Why don't you just rent a cheaper apartment?' That comment was a familiar one. But you had decided that you don't want to compromise your living comfort for extra free time that you have nothing to do with. It was boring. You had also been asked too, about why you wouldn't just ask your uncle for help- as the CEO of BigHit, surely, he could provide for you? You were close, too, and it wasn't like he hadn't offered you every week, so there shouldn't be an issue. And they were right- there really wasn't. But you thought that his support was a last resort, and that, as a completely functional adult yourself, you should be independent enough to provide for yourself.

At times, you would play BTS songs to calm you down. You liked their voices a lot- they were soothing in ways you couldn't describe. You respected the boys for being truly able to brighten someone's day with their music- It wasn't exactly something that happened often. It was their gift.

Were you a fan? Perhaps.

Were you crazy about them? You didn't think so. It was the usual wallpaper, song listening and occasional marathons of their shows, but nothing over the top. [A/N: Sure.]

But would you like to meet them? Of course.

Jin with his worldwide handsome, and not to mention his windshield wiper laughs resulting from his own terrible dad jokes, that would in turn make you laugh too. Suga with his sleepy grandpa attitude and all the 'swag', along with his occasional silliness. J-hope with his hopeful exuberance and a smile to brighten up the days of anyone lucky enough to witness it. RapMon with his dimpled smiles and God of Destruction-ness, and the face that he would make whenever the members speak in terrible English. Jimin with his bright smile and lovable teasing, his angelic voice and presence. (Also, have you seen his abs?-) V with his boxy smile and cheekiness- And you swore, his voice was so deep you could drown in it, willingly. Then there's also Jungkook, the golden maknae who's good at everything- An international playboy who's so bad with girls, it's ridiculously cute.

Meeting them would be a dream come true.

Your little day-dreaming session was cut short by a commotion, grumbles from the people behind you directed at the male in front of you. The black haired man seemed to be rushed, as you registered a flash of panic across his face- Or at least the half that wasn't covered by a plain black mask, anyway. You guessed the panic was in his eyes? Oh. His eyes were so sharp and beautiful you could- okay, focus, [Y/N]. What was the issue? You frowned, scanning the cash register. All his items had already been scanned...


"...I forgot my wallet."



[A/N]: Hello~ Before I start of with the story proper, there are a few things I'd like to address.

PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1- I'm sorry if it's too descriptive or what, and if that makes it boring. I'll have a lot of fluff and humor soon- And less of this, as the story progresses. I just needed to account for the number of words, hence the lengthy description haha. This story also contains some profanities soooo

2- The love interests are the vocal unit- Jin, Jimin, Tae and Jungkook. I don't know how to romance our Namjoon, Hobi or Yoongi, and I thought it'd be cute to have them help matchmake or be the over-protective brother figures or something--- I'M SORRY. //You already have four hot guys after you, don't be greedy- coughs.

I might, however, romance Suga if highly requested, though! Or the other two as well!!

3- BTS will not be giving away their address, numbers, trust or reveal their identities so easily. I just find it super unrealistic when other fanfics suddenly just have the boys let the reader into their house, or give their numbers out so easily? I mean they are like, the internationally hottest group of idols, I don't think they'd be so careless? IDK I JUST GET BOTHERED BY IT I'M SORRY-

Also, at the start, Jungkook will be a bit shyer than in the other fanfics where he flirts as soon as he meets reader lol. (We know how shy he is with girls, right?) Jimin will also not be such a playboy character as he tends to be portrayed as- BUT HE WILL TEASE YOU. AND BECAUSE HE IS AN ANGEL, YOU WILL LIKE IT- I will write them as I view them, okay? I just can't see them as being so careless etc. haha.

4- I'm pretty new to the fandom, so don't hate on me okay. I really like them though, although I don't know the exact details of when Tae has this hair colour or which concert they sang this song at. So the timeline is a bit... Yeah.... Bare with me? Haha???

5- I will be using some korean words, and for every word I will put * beside it, and you can find the meaning at the bottom of the chapter.



//PS: Wanna guess who you met?

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