Chapter 3: Stranger Danger [K.TH]

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"Thank you for your purchase! Please come again!"

You bowed with a smile, as the male customer infront of you gave a stuttered goodbye, his face tinted red. After the customer left, you looked out at the sky of blacks and blues, and the clock struck 10:30pm. You then sighed, before heading towards the convenience store's glass door and flipping the sign from 'Open' to 'Closed'. As you begun cleaning up for the day, your thoughts wandered off to the last customer. 'I think he's sick. He should have bought some medicine-'

"[Y/N]-ah!" Manager Lee called you, gaining your attention.

"Yes?" You replied, pausing your clean up to look at your boss, an old woman in her late sixties smiling at you.

"Good job with work today! I'm so happy to have such a wonderful employee." The old lady praised with a kind smile. She then grasped your hands, gently thrusting a paper bag into the your grip. "It's late now, a pretty young lady such as yourself should get going as soon as you can, no?"

"Eh? But Sajangnim*-"

"No buts. Go on, [Y/N]-ah, I'll clean up today, okay?" The old lady dismissed you, smiling at you in all your polite uncertainty.

"Alright then...Annyeong hee gyeseyo*..." You bowed with a polite smile before you excused herself.

After exiting your workplace, you stretched and walked off, yawning.

As night fell the blue haze of day lifted to reveal the stars. You always felt that this was closer to the truth of who we are. You wondered, if we were nocturnal would we feel more connected to those far away stars, perhaps sensing the fragility of Earth all the more? To you the night was when the curtain was pulled back, when we got to see out of the window we call "the sky" to the universe beyond.

Enjoying the cool occasional breeze, you hummed as you passed the park nearest to your dorm. The reason why you chose the dorm in the first place was because you used to live in the area when you were younger, and you wanted to relive the found memories you gained from living there. You paused, about to take a moment to indulge in the nostalgia of your childhood playground, when you heard a soft sob.

It belonged to a little girl, about five, perhaps? She was wearing a pink dress, crying alone on the swings. Your heart clenched. You weren't really good with children, but as you saw the streets filled with people, glancing at her and passing the child without the slightest indication of help, you knew that there was no way you could leave the child alone.

Jogging towards the girl, you crouched down in front of her. "Hey, what's your name?"

The little girl only looked up at you, before replying through her cries. "A-Aruem..."

"Aruem... That's a pretty name for a pretty girl." you smiled gently, careful not to scare the little girl. "Where're your parents?"

At this, Aruem started tearing even more, her cries more uncontrollable. Panicked, you looked around, unsure of what to do. You he really weren't good with kids. You could only pull the girl into your embrace, patting her back as you waited for her to calm down.


Meanwhile, a boy watched you from across the road, in front of the vending machines as his friend tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Taehyung-ah, gaja?*" A soft, angelic voice called out casually.

"...You can go first, Jimin-ah. I have something to do." Taehyung replied in his deep voice, sending his friend a smile.

Jimin stared at his friend in confusion, before sighing. "Sometimes I don't really understand you... Well, hurry back, if not Jin-hyung will scold you, okay?"

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