Chapter 7: Discomfort and Morning Company [K.SJ]

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The silence was thick.



You gulped nervously, fiddling with the hem of your skirt as your eyes darted about. They skimmed along the members, each of them evidently tired, but tension mired their attractive faces as they stared at their leader, who was also visually uncertain as they waited for him to speak.

To explain.

Namjoon sighed. He could practically feel the doubt radiate off the boys in waves of uncertainty. And to be completely honest, even he didn't approve of it entirely. A complete stranger, a girl, and now that he has met her, a darn attractive one at that, was to live with them, a group of seven male idols at very vulnarable ages? That was dangerous. However the PD's order​s were absolute. He tried to argue against it, he did, but the older male was firm.

"Yeah. So, [Y/N]​-ssi is going to be living with us for a while..." He concluded.

The boys stared in disbelief.

"...I'm not sure that's a good idea." Yoongi sighed. For all the obvious reasons. They didn't even know this girl! Attractive or not, journalist or not, this was stupid. Even more so because, she was attractive.

Namjoon​ sent him a look that made him sigh again. There was no room to argue. This was an official order, and it was late, they were tired. There was nothing they could do. Even if they​ were against it, they were just wasting precious sleep time.

"Well... That's that. Go get some sleep."

You just stood awkwardly by Namjoon's side, as you watched the boys say their respective Goodnights and went to their rooms. You we​re not an idiot, you could tell they weren't really for the idea. And to be honest, as estatic as you would have been, you shared their doubts as well.

They were your beloved idols. You had practically crushed on all of them before. What the heck... Who was to say you would​n't genuinely fall in love with them?

You bet you would.

And that you​'d also probably get rejected.

This wasn't good for your heart.

You were​ about to let out another sigh, when Jin's voice cut through the silence, addressing both Namjoon and yourself.

"Where will [Y/N]​-ssi be sleeping?"

Oh frick.

Namjoon and you shared a look, and you knew they hadn't thought this through.

There was no vacant room for you to sleep in. They had 4 rooms, three rooms housed a pair of them, the forth was Jungkook's, who needed his​ own space.

Well, you supposed you could room with Kookie. But obviously, with his girl phobia, that was impossible.

"Guess I'll be sleeping on the couch-"

The leader shot you a look. Obviously you couldn't be sleeping on the couch. You could even be staying with them for years. How were they going to call themselves gentlemen if they let their female dormmate sleep on the couch while they each had their rooms? Besides, the sofa was in the living room, a common space. It wasn't that he didn't trust the boys, but that wasn't exactly very safe for you.

Even Jin raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, that's not happening, [Y/N]​-ssi." He mused, giving you a tired smile.

"Well, you can sleep with Jungkook-?" Namjoon suggested, to which both his company could only stare at him like he grew another head.

Oh. He then realised the flaw in that idea.

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