Chapter 8: The First Day [J.JK]

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After another half hour of aimless chatting and story telling, the other members started trickling in. They all seemed to share the same surprise of seeing you. Jimin, the third one up after yourself and Seokjin, entered the room with a sleepy yawn, only half awake as he went to you and enveloped you in a hug, startling both yourself and the older male. Your breath hitched as you let out an incoherent stutter whereas Jin gave a stunned 'Yah!'

"Good morning, Jin-hyung." He yawned, rubbing his cheek against what he assumed to be Jin's, though I assure you, although a cheek it was, Jin's it was not. "Your cheeks are softer today-"

And then the boy came to a realisation. Oh lord, he was hugging their new journalist.

Immediately, Park Jimin let go and jumped 3 feet back, standing rigid as his mind processed what he just did. His whole face dropped and froze.

15% processing....

34% processing...

67% processing...

100%. Processing complete.


Jimin.exe has stopped working. ((Yes. Copy pasted)​​​

"I'M SORRY!" He bowed repetitively, his face flushed as you just waved both your hands in front of you. "N-No, it's okay! I don't mind- I mean- It's okay?!"

You​ stuttered out a flustered reply.

'What am I watching?' Jin mumbled as he stared at the two.

"What's the ruckus about?" In walked a confused J-Hope. "What did I miss?"

"A-Ah, Hoseok-ssi, good morning..." You greeted, averting your​ gaze from the pink faced Jimin, who also turned to greeted his hyung.

"H-H-Hoseok-hyung, g-g-good morning..."

"Oh, [Y/N]-ssi! Good morning!" He grinned. How was he such a sunshine in the morning, what even- "And Jimin..Why are you stuttering?" Hobi looked at his bandmate, almost weirded out by how he was acting like a 14 year old who was greeting her crush.

"Well, he-" Jin started, only to be cut of by a flustered yelp.



Afterwards, Namjoon entered staring blankly at nothing. "Good morning."

He received a chorus of 'Good Mornings' in return, before his eyes widened at the feminine voice that came along. "Oh right, [Y/N]-ssi, you're here too."


Jin sent him a look, before Namjoon realised how he sounded and his eyes widened. He coughed into his fist before correcting himself. He didn't mean to sound rude or anything, he was just too used to it being just them. "I mean, well... How was your first night here?"

"It was okay." You​ replied, sending him a small understanding smile, to which he returned.

Jimin looked around. "Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi-hyung are still sleeping?"

Jin hummed, before standing up and stretching. "I'll make some sandwiches, so can you wake up Yoongi? [Y/N]-ah, can you wake up the maknaes?"

Namjoon and Hoseok left to wash up, and that left you two to do the waking up.

"Eh? But hyung, I don't want to wake Yoongi-hyung-"

"Ah, okay." You nodded, getting up without giving Jimin his chance to bargain. Truth be told, you didn't want to wake anyone up either, but you'd take the maknae pair over Suga anyday. You heard that he was scary to wake up, and you didn't want to receive a first hand confirmation of that.

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