Chapter 14: Melting Ice [M.YG]

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You stole a flustered glace at the sleeping male.
His face was peaceful, snuggling against the soft fabric of your pillow. He looked serene, a soft smile on his lips as he took steady breaths, occasionally nuzzling further into the pillow. Really, the only trace of those words having ever left his perfect lips was your own flustered state.

'What did that even mean?'

You pondered, desperately willing your heart to calm down. Ignoring the fact that it didn't, your mind was flipping out. Was he being serious? What even- How even- Huh? You couldn't even begin to process the fact that one of your idols stated something remotely akin to a romantic confession- Towards you.

Maybe you were over thinking it?
It wasn't like he said '[Y/N]' specifically; He said 'noona'. And honestly, the maknae was younger than basically everyone in the company, so you weren't the only person he called 'noona', right?

So, said 'noona'... It couldn't possibly be you...


You couldn't help but let your mind linger on the sheer possibility that it might, just might, be you. And that though sent butterflies throughout your entire body, and you felt like a tingly mess.

If, just if, it were you... What would you do? This, you weren't sure. It wasn't that you reciprocated his potential feelings, but it wasn't that you didn't, either. Could you date him if he in fact asked you out? You could. But then again, you could probably say the same if it were any other member. On the slim chance that he was in actual fact referring to you, you respected and loved him ((not exactly romantically, but yes, you do fantasize like all fans)) so much, you wouldn't want to hurt him. You believe that the members deserved someone who loved them, explicitly, specifically, only them. Anything less would be something you would never wish upon these seven boys.

But, then again- You weren't even sure it was you-

And fortunately for you, the sound of the door opening, signalling that the group has returned from their little outing, broke you out of your 'delusional' train of thoughts, so you gave yourself a little less than gentle slap to your cheeks . It wasn't like they could get redder, anyway. You shook your head and willed the thoughts to disperse, and you forced them to the back of your mind.

You got up to leave your room and welcome the boys back; it has been quite some time since you all properly conversed, so you were rather excited. You shot the maknae a last fond glance before you silently exited the room.

"Hey, guys." You greeted as you popped your head into the living room where everyone seemed to be resting. Most of them looked tired, and the 95-liners were sweating a bit. It made you wonder if they ran a marathon or something.

Either way, all this tiredness seem to dissipate into thin air when they heard your voice. Taehyung in particular, seemed to light up entirely. He gave you an excited wave as he sped towards you to glomp you. A satisfied hum escaped his lips as he burried his face into your hair. "[Y/N]-ah~" His deep voice droned, making you laugh softly, reaching up to pat his head, feeling his soft locks slip through your fingers.

The other members gave a knowing smile, before turning to you to greet you back. Rapmon gave you a friendly smile as he ruffled your hair. "How's work?"

You smiled back. "It's good. I'm confident you guys will enjoy your trip, now."

"Well, I'm sure."

At his dimple attack ((As you like to call it)), you joked. "Well, so long as you don't destroy anything."

This comment earned a snicker from the rest as Namjoon gave you a look of mock betrayal.

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