Chapter 6

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The second I enter the hotel room, I wish I hadn't come at all as the arguing that hits me has me blocking my ears. Everyone is shouting. Artemis has a golden arrow in her hand that she's waving around like a wand and she says abracadabra in a second,  I wouldn't be surprised. Logan has lost his appearance and is in full, golden boy, Apollo mode while Hermes seems to be trying to calm them all down, but failing terribly.

No one has even noticed my arrival, and just as I'm about to attempt interrupting them, Hermes steps back, and in his hands, a golden net appears. He is the first to notice me, and he wiggles his eyebrows with a smirk before the mesh is thrown over the four arguing siblings. Freyja screams, Apollo starts to glow, and then they go quiet for a moment which makes Hermes sigh.

"What's with the net?" I ask, standing beside him as the four now scramble around like trapped monkeys.

"I could say it is some magical, rare fortress of doom but it's just some old gold thread I practiced making knots with. It's just a distraction to try and get them to stop arguing. Who likes being trapped in a net?"

Finally, I'm noticed and seeing us watching them has Logan looking childish as he fusses with his corner and eventually calms down enough to work out they can just lift it and step away. Which he does as the trio still thrash around and yell threats at each other.

"We don't get along." He tells me with a shrug. "How's your brother?"

"He's fine. Annipe has decided Same Blood is now hers and Alfie chose to stay with my parents. Drama over."

We watch as Freyr manages to get out and he freezes at the sight of the three of us.

"Brother! Help me!" Freyja demands, and as he reaches out to do just that, he changes his mind and approaches us.

"We better let them out before they kill each other." Hermes sighs, and with a click of his fingers the net vanishes.

Artemis grabs Freyja's hair, yanking down, so the goddess topples backwards. As she falls, she grabs at Artemis jacket, pulling her down with her. I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Enough!" I shout over their commotion, just as Freyja gets a good shot against Artemis cheek while my friend leaves a bloody trail of nail marks on her rivals arm.

"Our, apologies, Godkiller." Freyr bows slightly, and the look he serves Logan with has me on edge. "We never meant any harm."

Logan scoffs.

"No? What was with the stalking then?" I ask, keeping an eye on the bickering pair behind him.

"We were just curious. That is all." He rolls his shoulders and stands a little taller.

He is taller than me, nearly as tall as Logan and he ignored Hermes completely. His beard was thick and well groomed; actually, all of him was. Freyja came to stand at his side, and despite his facial hair, the twin similarities were more significant than Artemis and Apollo. Their face shapes were the same, with broad, square foreheads, the same mass of blonde hair that fell to their shoulders, and in Freyja case, down to her waist in a thick braid. Their height was the same, and despite Freyr most masculine bulk, she wasn't thin or particularly feminine either.

Blue eyes were literally copied and pasted across to the other, but there was something else about them I couldn't quite work out between them. It was more than the freaky identicalness they held with one another. It was a feeling, their presence perhaps now it was no longer being hidden. Wild, rough, and again I couldn't pick it. There was no denying it was interesting to me though and looking between the twins now, I forced a smile.

"About me?" I ask.

Flattery will get you everywhere. I decide to hear them out.

"Why wouldn't we be? We hear tales from across the ocean of the human, the mortal girl that came with the Fallen One. The fates chose you to be their third, and the great Zeus falls by her hand and Cronus groveled at her feet before he met his end." Freyja bows then too.

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