31st May 2013

789 93 5

Dear iBob,

Well it's take a while, but I finally got Kara to spill the beans about her past life thanks to an anonymous tip from Eric to ask when she's full of mead. It wasn't actually a great tip as she caught me out like, instantly but she decided with everything we've been through, I should know a bit.

So get this, she was his mistress!!

Well, that part happened after because she was actually being trained by him as one of his personal guard and after a few late nights and too much of that dear old mead, then things happened. It went well for like, five years!!! And then this story goes to shit. I don't want to repeat it, it's not my story but I hope Cain did kill Odin. I don't know how Kara didn't after he- never-mind. His actual wife sounds really nice though, she isn't much of a loyal partner either, more there because she has to be, arrange marriages blah blah. It was because of what he did to the baby that started the whole rebellion thing. These, powers, kings, whatever you want to call them, are just, fucked.

AND guess what else she tells me.

Hecate is her Mum! Well, adopted. Hecate took her in as a child, taught her most of what she knows before her kind came to take her back when she became of age. So you can imagine why he is a bit fearful of a super powerful goddess whose grandkid he-

I just wish I had been able to end him for them, for her daughter.

On a happier note, Raya finally agreed to move back home only I got them a new place and she loves it. Olivia is rolling all over the place now, its' hilarious and I swear she doesn't laugh or smile at anyone as much as she does with me. Best fairy godmother ever? I think so.

Alfie wasn't sure what to think of her though. She liked how he felt and kept trying to put him in her mouth which was gross, but funny. He ended up leaving to get away from her. He hasn't been his usual self since, well, everything. I don't think the wound Odin gave him with the flaming sword is going to full heal. There's a dip in his side where it struck, and the light fae I had look at it, can't seem to do much.

If he wants to retire to the river at my parents place, drink his bubble water whenever he wants and take it easy, that's fine by me.

Annipe is another story. Since I let her well, be herself I guess, she isn't following orders well. She is up for a fight like constantly, it's like the terrible twos on steroids in a gigantic snake demon that could literally rip you in half. Jordan is the only one she will listen to, if she decides to listen, so unless I'm needing her skills, she isn't interested in me at all without Alfie to keep in check. She's always been a wild one. Hopefully some time out with Alfie helps calm her.

It was scary during that time they disappeared, and despite all we've been through, they haven't come out of this the same. I just, I wish I knew more about what Portia saw, what they've all been warning me about especially that night. After Odin left, Portia admitted she got the timing wrong, this Hunters moon wasn't October at all but rather the Eclipse that happened then. I can't summon her, she hasn't visited, and even Nieve and Adala won't answer my call.

Did I damage my snakes?

Did I pass so they're leaving me along?

Did I fail so they're wiping their hands of me and leaving me for whatever is next?

Fuck them then.

Anyway, I'm heading out with Zane tonight, Mum and Dad's tomorrow for our newly appointed, unmissable unless your dying, 'monthly family dinner', and then Penny and Colton are having some dinner thing Sunday for some couply reason that apparently couples do when they're in love and want everyone to know about it. Good on her, but eh. She was going on about some moon being in Gemini or something and why is she always on about this astrology junk? Then again, she throws some Pisces stuff at me every now and then that's bang on so I kind of need to give her a little more credit than I do.

On that note, still haven't seen or heard from Apollo & Co since they left either.


I gotta go, I just heard the Zane's car.

Elise Bunting
(worst apopthye parent e v e r)


One more chapter to go! Eek!
(am I forgetting anything?

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