Chapter 24

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The sofa was so comfortable, better than the one I spent hours on in Ailins attempt at therapy with me. It was soft in that way you sink into it, but still firm enough you didn't feel like a turtle stuck on it's back when trying to get up. Compared to how I felt an hour ago, this was heaven; almost. I refused to open my eyes, to face the person that now sat beside me. I didn't need to look to know he was staring, and his face was clear in my mind.

Brow creased. Worried eyes. Thin lips that tilt down into a frown.

Peeking out, sure enough that's exactly what greets me.

"I know you're awake, I'm not going to magically disappear because you want me to." He sighs, leaning back in the chair. "How do you feel now?"

"Comfy. Thanks, you can go now." I turn my back to him and I feel his hand hovering about my arm as he hesitates, but touches me anyway. I shrug him off. "Don't, touch, me."

It wouldn't have been so bad if I was fully clothed, but fresh from my shower and from letting him see where ever it hurt, left me in my underwear which I now remembered. His eyes burned wherever they went on my back and my first attempt at summoning something to wear failed, and the second.

"You're going to have some new scars." He says sadly after a few minutes.

"No shit." He may have fixed the outside, but inside was still a mess.

"Bunny, please-"

I sit up, turning around and stand up prepared to tell him where he can stick, calling me Bunny, only my body may be healed, but it didn't like my way in which I just moved. My calf cramps, knocking me back down with a gasp as the muscle twitches and tightens.

"Mother fu-" I curse.

Without a word, his hands are on my leg and working out the tension that had just exploded there. It settles quickly thanks to him, but his hands stay put. For a second I'm taken back to another time, where we were different people and he'd worked a similar magic with his hands on my sore body. I'd just gone through another round of hell, we were hidden away in a hotel room after calling truce, and he'd massaged away all my aches pains. Deja vu made me nostalgic for a different time, and reaching out now, I touched blonde not black hair. He leant into my touch and I caressed his face before leaning forward so now our foreheads rested against each other. It was all so clear now.

"I'm sorry." I finally say.

"What for?" Apollo asked, clearly confused.

"For everything. It hurts, you know, but I'm not angry anymore. I don't blame you for anything. You're not Logan. I was holding on to someone that doesn't exist and you, you didn't know what else to do either." I sigh, kissing the tip of his nose. "Maybe you're right. Maybe one day things will work for us, but that time isn't now."

"I love you, Bunny. That was never a lie."

"I know and I love you too. Just, not how you need me to." Even inside the pain weakened.

We sit in silence as we both seem to process all of that at the same time. This was the breakup we needed. We weren't enemies. We didn't hate each other. It hurt, but it was okay. I wouldn't not see him again or avoid him if I did. It felt, mutual, and after all we'd gone through, it felt right.

"I'm still going to say it. What the hell were you thinking going there tonight? What I was worried would happen, happened!" He lectured in that way that grated on my nerves and only confirmed that no matter what, our relationship was never going to work.

"Want a medal?" I shrug. "I can get one made up for you. Worlds biggest know it all, two thousand and thirteen!"

"She could have killed you!" Apollo huffed.

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