Chapter 14

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Sweat ran down my back, my legs, my arms; there was sweat in places I didn't even know I could sweat from. Zane looked as though he was in as more pain than he'd ever experienced, while Hades looked rough, but he wasn't done just yet.

"Slayer, you have done well." Hades puffed, a huge compliment being thrown at Zane, who merely nodded.

"I think that's enough for today." I catch Hades eye, and he shrugs. "What?"

"For him. But you are not just a Hunter these days are you?" He taunts.

"You said I had to take it easy, after my little, big session."

"We are. Less physical and human now, get your powers going!" Hades smirks wipes his hand across his forehead and is suddenly back to normal as if the last hour never happened.

I take a sip of water as Zane collapses. I had gone to visit him to let Apollo sleep, but instead, Hades turned up for some training. Of course, the Slayer with the oversized ego wanted in, and I knew the many reasons why too, so we let him. Neither of us held back either, while I had intended too only the events of the night before gave me a bit of extra steam to blow off.

"What's in it for me if I win?" I circle him slowly, watching as the muscles in arms flexed, then relaxed and the subtle way he moved with me so not once was his back my way.

"Name it. You won't win, so I have nothing to worry about."

"That kind of confidence will get you killed one day." How many times had that been said to me?

"Doubt it. But come on God Killer. What do you want as your prize?"

I thought about it, summoning my sword to now twirl around in my hand. His eyes locked onto it as we moved around and around.

"I want to know what exactly is going in your realm. No secrets, no holding back, the truth. Everyone wants a fight. It seems to keep spilling into my world, and I need to know everything about it." I decide.


I stop walking. "Because I've got people trying to kidnap me, kill my boyfriend, and demand I join their side in a war I know nothing about. What threat should we be preparing for?"

Hades frowned. "Despite what they think, the war will not reach this realm. The King will never allow it to get that far. As for those other, mishaps, that is why we now train with your powers to ensure you're at your best. I told you that for free, pick a new prize."

"I want you to admit that I am the greatest, and you're sorry for underestimating me."I decide.

Hades laughed and raising my sword, he produced his own. We circled each other a couple of more times and fake stepping in, he was too focused on my weapon to realise I wasn't using it, as the power in my other hand hit him on the stomach and sent him flying backwards. He got up quicker than I expected, and sliding across, hit him in his knees and then got myself back to where we started, opening my arms to mock him as he stood.

"How about that then?"

"Careful Elise, what was it you said about confidence?" With a wave of his hand, the rumble behind me had the ground vibrating and spinning around, a chunk of the earth rose up and balanced over me.

Instantly I shielded myself, and as the pressure weighed down on my shoulders, I managed to fling it his way. Of course, he dodged it, but if he wanted to get into it, I was happy to follow his lead and thinking of lightning, dangerous strikes began to rain down around him. The energy sparked inside of my body with each bolt as if they were coming directly from me, the feeling was so rejuvenating, my new aches and pains vanished.

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