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Arthit closed the door of his bedroom with a slam.

"I can't believe that, even today, something like this has to happen..."

It had already passed almost half an hour but he was still feeling an immense anger and pain. 

All his memories, both good and bad, had returned to his mind making him leave..., escape from the place in order to take a breath of air.

Regretfully at the end it wasn't enough so his mood, as bad as it was, became worse than ever.

The young man sighed and, while looking tired and sad,  he sat on his favorite sofa while thinking about what to do next.

The young man sighed and, while looking tired and sad,  he sat on his favorite sofa while thinking about what to do next

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"I can not continue like this ...", he said to himself, "I can not let this happen every time something or someone reminds me of him ..."


A knock on the door took him out of his thoughts.

- "Please, enter."

Wayo came in with a tray in which he was carrying a couple of cups of tea and several pastries.

- "I know it's not the time for this but I think we'll need it" - he said as he placed it on the side table and then sat next to his brother.

- "I know what you're going to tell me..." - Arthit said without waiting for Wayo to start with the usual theme.

He was already so tired of it!

Tired of the recriminations..., of hearing that he needed to get over his old relationship ... and everything that had happened.

But he could not ... 

why couldn't they understand that he could not do that?

- "Arthit, you can not go on like this..." - Wayo said after sighing - "You need to start over again. Maybe..."

- "NO!" - exclaimed the young man as he got up and began to wander around the room - "Don't even think of starting again with the same matter..."

Wayo frowned and reluctantly nodded.

- "As you like..."

Arthit nodded and, taking one of the cups, passed it to his brother while he grabbed the other one and held it to his lips.

A few seconds later, he turned to his brother with a slight smile on his face.

- "By the way, don't wait for me. I have a date"

- "Seriously?"

Arthit nodded slightly and with a much wider smile on his face.

- "Yes ... our nephew just called me, apparently he wants to invite me to dinner to celebrate my first case won".

Wayo frowned as he left the empty cup on the table.

- "Surely he wants to ask for something".

Arthit shrugged and, after getting up from the seat, took his purse and the keys of the car.

- "I'm leaving ... I do not want to be late. You know how Krist gets when we make him wait ..."

And without saying anything else, he left through the door still open leaving Wayo with a perplexed expression on his face.

A few minutes later the boy noticed a small little  detail ...

- "He has done it again!" - he exclaimed as he stood up - "he has changed the subject and left without giving me time to say anything else!"

"But you will not be able to escape ...", Wayo thought as he left the bedroom and closed the door behind him, "not with the plan I have drawn ... no doubt Phana and you are going to continue to see eachother and it will be more often than you think ... "

Arthit entered the restaurant where his favorite nephew was waiting for him. 

The young man, that was wearing a jacket and matching jeans, was playing with his cell phone while frowning slightly.

"Another problem for sure...", thought Arthit as he approached the table and sat on the seat in front of the young man.

Krist raised his head and immediately made a slight grimace while his eyes got filled with tears.

Arthit sighed and after asking for a coffee from the waitress, turned to the young man with a resigned gesture.

- "Tell me what happens and what you want..."

- "Father wants to send me to the E.U.E, and I do not want to go!" - exclaimed Krist while leaving a brochure on the table that Arthit immediately picked up with curiosity.

The E.U.E?

Why there?

Before his eyes appeared a series of photographs of the university and its facilities, under which there was a single phrase that Arthit knew very well ...

Welcome to the E.U.E, the place where all your dreams come true!



And it is done!

The book is finally complete jeje

I hope you have liked this story and, for all of you that want to read more about Arthit, Kong, Singto and Krist.. I will be posting next week a sequel called Assesination at midnight... 

I have just published a new update with an introduction of the new story. 

  I hope you will like it :)