Case one Part1.1 (ENGLISH)

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That morning was hectic in room 1 of the Court of Instruction 28. Especially because of the people who, thanks to the new Law of Transparency, would occupy the seats intended for the audience.

However, in one of the adjoining rooms, the one for the accused party, silence was absolute. Only one person was in the spacious room, a young woman with a beautiful face and clear eyes who was looking at her watch with a frown on her face.

 Only one person was in the spacious room, a young woman with a beautiful face and clear eyes who was looking at her watch with a frown on her face

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- "where could he be?" - she muttered while letting out a little snort. She had hoped to review the evidences and the defendant's version once again before the trial began. However, taking into account that the session was going to start in less than five minutes and that the defense lawyer was not present, she would have to settle for wishing that he would appear, at least, before the heavy doors open and the trial starts.

Seconds later, the oak doors of the room opened to give way to a handsome young man with dark hair and black eyes, a not so white skin but also not very dark, and a worried look.

- "Your first case and you're almost late. I hope that means you're ready to face the prosecutor and win. "

The young man simply stopped in the middle of the room while breathing hard, no doubt trying to catch his breath after running like crazy.

May frowned thinking about what might have happened for her student to be in that state. It was then when she noticed his suit's state, that indicated to the young woman the answer to her questions without any doubt.

- "The bicycle again? Did not I tell you to take a taxi? "

The young man lowered his eyes, distressed by the reproach. That morning he had decided, at the last moment, to use his bicycle to get to the court as he lived only twenty minutes away and specially because seeing the people who walked the streets and feeling the morning breeze, tends to calm his nerves. Something that he thought it would be perfect on his first day as a defense lawyer.

However, it had turned out not to be such a good idea, especially after having a problem with the chain that cost him a lot of time.

- "I am sorry for the delay" - he said as soon as he observed the disapproving look of his boss - "I never thought that fixing a bicycle chain could be so complicated".

- "At least tell me that you have reviewed the evidence already" - the young woman said while checking her watch again - "the trial is going to begin".

The young man simply smiled and showed his briefcase in a gesture that indicated that he was ready.

- "Everything I need is inside" - he answered resolutely.

The young woman sighed while shaking her head.

- "Sometimes I really worry about you, Kongpob ..."- she commented – " you tend to be too sure of yourself".

"- she commented – " you tend to be too sure of yourself"

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Kong simply shrugged and prepared himself to follow his boss, and teacher for more than three years, towards the door that connected the room with the main place where the trial would be held.

- "And if we think that you are also very reckless, I am sure that someday you will make yourself meet a very big problem." - continued the young lawyer while waiting for the guard to open the door - " For example... Can you tell me why Kong?, why did you have to choose as your first case one whose charges are for murder? "

- "I had to do it May. The accused is someone I know, a good friend who I had not seen for years, but who was by my side when my family went through one of the worst moments of our lives. In fact he was one of the few who did not turn their back on us. "

- " That case?" - she asked clearly interested.

However, when the young man was going to answer, the heavy doors that gave access to the Main Room opened and the guard told them to enter.

The trial was going to begin.