Case 3 Part 3 (ENGLISH)

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The session would start in a few minutes... 

Kongpob spotted Rickey and his cousin Phun among the audience. Both of them were wearing discreet clothes and were trying to go unnoticed, but the young lawyer doubted that it would work for a long time.

Noh's private life had been investigated and analyzed in detail. His relationship with Phun, fortunately, was already public when the crime occurred. However, journalists would soon connect Phun and his family with the victim. And when that happens the life of Rickey, his parents and brothers, would take a huge turn and not for the best.

- "The session begins" - the judge said while awaiting for the first plea.

- "Your Honor, I would like to draw your attention to the recordings that the victim sent to her boyfriend on the day of the murder" - said Kongpob while approaching  the judge's stand - "in them, the young woman reveals a fact that could well be the reason for her death. "

The judge nodded. The screens went down and the first recording started.

 It began showing the somewhat blurred figure of a man sneaking into the office of the producer of the series, which was located in the main building. Next to the race tracks. His face couldn't be seen but nevertheless it was easy to notice a white bandage that was partially covering his wrist.

- "Obviously it is the defendant" - said Arthit when the first recording finished - "he has the bandage and the same clothes as in the picture of the car. In addition, the time matches ... this happens just ten minutes after being photographed at the checkpoint.

- "The face is still unseen" - Kongpob refuted him - " and there is still another recording that we haven't seen yet".

The second one began immediately after that.

In it, the same person was observed looking for something among the personal effects of the producer. Finally he picked up a small external memory that he kept in his pocket while going to the main door. 

Unfortunately, there was a noise that happened near the phone that was recording his actions and the recording was cut immediately.

- "We still have no conclusive evidence that the person in the recording is not the accused" - said Arthit - "Even more, this recording gives us a reason for the murder, because he was discovered stealing something from his boss. And, when she tried to run away, he killed her by running her over with the car he was driving. "

Kongpob smiled as he nodded vigorously

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Kongpob smiled as he nodded vigorously.

- "It is true that this last recording is clear proof that the girl discovered something and that she was silenced because of it. However baby, there is something that these recordings prove with total security, and that is that my client is NOT the murderer ".