Case 1 Part 2.3 (ENGLISH)

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- "I Object, Your Honor!" - exclaimed the prosecutor - "This fact has no relevance in the case".

- "Of course it has it!" - he challenged Kong

The judge observed both lawyers, prosecutor and defense attorney, for a few seconds ...

- "It is not admitted" - he finally said to them. A second later he turned to the young lawyer of the defense with eyes full of curiosity - "And that indicates ..?"

- "That Mr. Bom touched the statue after my defendant did. So, if he says that the last time he touched it was before the attack, my client wasn't the person that used it to hurt the victim... The statue alone is not enough of a proof to ensure that Bright was at the scene when the crime occurred!

The audience was divided, some people rose from their seats, ready to lynch the defense lawyer for helping the one who had murdered their idol, while the other party was no longer so sure of his guilt.

May, however, smiled at Kong for a job well done while Bright, from his seat, thanked Kong for his help while being in tears.

The young man smiled at them and, after taking a new document from the table, he walked towards the witness, who seemed less sure of himself and even a little worried.

- "But we cannot forget that the witness saw the accused near her apartment that day, only some minutes before finding the body."

- "I object, your honor!" - Kong exclaimed - "there are many inconsistencies in the testimony presented by Mr. Bom. I ask permission to expose them. "

- "Very well" - said the judge after deliberating - "But if you can not prove that the testimony has those errors, I will admit it including the fact that he saw your client on the day of the murder".

- "Very well" - said the judge after deliberating - "But if you can not prove that the testimony has those errors, I will admit it including the fact that he saw your client on the day of the murder"

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Kongpob nodded as he turned to the witness. Now or never, he told himself.

- "Mr. Bom, you said you found the body and went down to call the police about eight o'clock" - Kong began as he stood in front of the witness with the autopsy documents - "Are you sure of the time?"

- " Totally".

- "But the coroner's report says that the death occurred between ten and eleven o'clock at night. Not before eight. Moreover, the report from the police station confirms that the call was made at 10:45 "- said Kongpob while reading some of the annotations, made by hand, that he wrote while he was reading it at his house, - "What's more, that day, my client was at the bar that he owns with several clients, from eight until ten at night. "

- "I Object ! - interrupted the prosecutor - "it is true that the defendant was at the bar until ten o'clock, but then he had at least half an hour to go to the residence of the victim and kill her."

Kongpob smiled as he shook his head in condescension.

- "I am afraid that is not possible" - he said while picking up one of the reports from his table - "according to the firemen, that night there were gusts of wind that lifted trees and vehicles from the road. In fact, the road that connects the bar with the girl's house was cut by a huge tree for more than six hours. "

- "He could had used another road" - the prosecutor countered.

- "But all the others roads require at least an hour's journey, and without taking into account that, they were also in very bad conditions. This implies that my client could not, and I repeat, could not be there at the time the witness says he saw him. The witness is lying about that! "