Chapter Seven
Are You Stalking Me?
I feel the dead leaves crunch under my feet as I walk down the familiar street. Although it breaks me every time I catch a glance of the gloomy atmosphere, I never thought that I'd actually come here again.
The breeze was a bit too chilly, than the normal December weather. I could see the huge dead tree becoming bigger and bigger as I walk closer. I finally reach the huge gates and look at the enormous-sized letters on top.
I push the gates open and walk inside. I catch a glimpse of the gravestone; it was the only gravestone that had dark red and purple flowers surrounding it.
I head to the grave, my converse crushing all the dead leaves and flowers under my feet.
Anastasia Falls
In a memory of a loving sister and daughter
"Everyday is a new journey."I smile and kneel down on the dirt, sitting down and crossing my legs. I didn't really care about the fact that I'm sitting on dirt, while brown leaves poke my bottom. Although, that really hurt, a lot.
"Hey, Ana," I start. "How's everything going? A lot of things happened since the last time I visited you. The guys are still the same overprotective, lazy bums they are. Mum still works in that technology center and dad," I pause. "Well, he's still working with Jennie's father in this huge company.
"Speaking of Jennie, she still hates me because I'm from a different race, but I don't hate her though. She's just trying to tick me off and I don't care about her.
"Alex, the guy I have this huge crush on, talked to me. I know, I can't believe it either," I exclaim. "It actually went pretty well and I wish you were here to cheer me on. I gotta give most of the credits to the girls, though, since they helped me with this.
"I still haven't told mum and dad that I'm in a secret band. I think I'm going to hold on this secret for awhile, since I'm not sure how they are going to react," I pause thinking of something to say.
"Oh! Luke Carter is staying with us now. Remember Luke? Black hair? Green eyes? His mother doesn't like mum and vice versa? Yeah, that Luke. You're probably wondering how mum even agreed on this when she doesn't like Mrs. Carter?
"Well, she told me that she likes Luke, since he's a 'sweet' boy and she just doesn't like his mother, which is so untrue. He's a pain in the butt and I can't stand him.
"Just because, he's the hottest guy I ever encountered with and he has the most beautiful green eyes I ever saw, doesn't mean I like him.
"The good thing is that he's staying for two weeks only, so let's just hope that time is on my side right now." I say, chuckling slightly.
"I miss you, Ana, so much. I wish you could be here with me, support me and help me whenever I need your help. I'm really glad that I have my friends and family with me, but I need you to be here with me," I swallow the lump in my throat, fumbling with the rose gold bracelet on my wrist that had Sister carved in the middle of its chain.
"Anyways, I have to go. School is starting in thirty minutes and I don't want to get detention again," I roll my eyes and get up, dusting my pants. Thank Zeus, I'm wearing black pants.
A cold rush of wind passes by carrying purple and maroon petals, I hold my hands out and they land in my hands. As stupid as that sounds, I've always thought that this was a sign from Ana, telling me that she loves me. But, it could be just a coincidence every time.

Midnight Falls
JugendliteraturWhen you're a seventeen-year-old girl with anxiety disorder and a gorgeous, popular girl that absolutely hates your guts for who-knows-what reason bullying you whenever she gets the chance, Anna Falls has no choice but to face reality.... her life s...