Chapter Thirty Five

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Before we start this...

*hides inside secret chamber*
*locks it*
*gets knife*

Okay we're good. Let's start.

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Chapter Thirty Five

What I Would Really Like From You Is To Appreciate Personal Bubbles.


Monday, 3rd of February, 11 AM.

The last two weeks went pretty good. The week before was a bit hard, considering I couldn't sleep or get a blink of an eye, but I managed to compensate most of the lost sleep. I just have seventeen years left to compensate now.

Anastasia's Memorial Day went great too. The girls and the guys managed to cheer me up and I had so much fun that day before I went to visit her and to be honest, visiting her made me feel so much better. The nightmares thankfully stopped after that.

Luke and Jennie went on their first date on Friday. He didn't update me on what happened, but I'm sure they had fun. I really hate to admit it, but I don't like that they went on a date, at all. And the fact that I'm always thinking about him is not helping. Maybe I really do like Luke. I just have to act completely normal around him and not like he's the most gorgeous thing that ever walked on earth, which is hard considering I can never be normal.

Now that the girls and I are going to perform at the fun fair, Abby informed us that Jewel and Scarlett want to meet up with us so they could tell us about the fun fair's arrangements, so we will be meeting up with them today at the diner after our gig. I'm actually so excited to perform at the fun fair. I just hope it all goes fine that day.

I shut the notebook and slip it in my backpack, just as the bell rings and I stand up, putting my English textbook inside the backpack too.

"Don't forget about your homework! Tomorrow's the due date for submitting it!" Mrs. Porter reminds us as everyone ushers to get out of the classroom. Since the girls are with me in English class, we all head together to the lunch room.

"Did you see Jennie and Luke in the morning?" Sophie asks.

I frown. " Why?"

The three of them come to a halt stop making me stop too, then they turn to me and purse their lips. "They are maybe kinda sorta possibly together?" Riley looks at me as if she's ready that I'm going to kill someone.

"What's wrong with that?"

"No, Anna. Riley meant that they are together, as in together as in they are dating," Colette explains.

What the heck?

No, really...

What the actual heck?

"Oh," I stutter and my friends give me pitiful looks. They knew.

"That's okay," I give them a smile. "I mean, I was already expecting that. I just didn't think it would actually happen, but yeah, it's okay."

"It's clearly not okay," Colette points out.

"It is, don't worry. Now let's go the cafeteria. I'm starving," I tell them.

"Yeah, starving for a murder," Riley mutters under her breath, but I still catch it.

"Jennie's murder," Sophie adds and they both nod in agreement.

"Ha ha ha. You're so funny," I say drily.

"Thank you," Riley grins.

"We know," Sophie adds, smiling smugly.

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