Chapter Fifty One

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Chapter Fifty One

Wrap It Before You Tap It.


It was a horrible idea.

Full stop.

By the time I'm sitting on the lunch table, I'm trying my hardest not to fall asleep. You know those moments when you're too tired that you don't feel like eating or doing anything because you're missing too much sleep and all you want to do is jump back in bed, put up a 'don't disturb' sign and snooze your butt off? That's how I'm feeling right now and apparently the girls are having the same feeling right now.

Sophie is slowly shoving pasta in her mouth, resting her head on her palm and falling asleep with her head hanging low before she snaps back up awake and continues eating. That cycle has been going on since we took a seat on the table. Abby has already finished eating and she's currently snoring her bum off with her face pressed against the table. Lottie has her head down on the table with her new black headphones on. I think Zoey is the only one who's used to this because she's casually eating her food and humming along to the tune of My Love, My Life by ABBA.

The whole morning went good and we had breakfast before we went canoeing in the river. It was pretty fun until Abby managed to make the canoe capsize and I almost had a panic attack in the water, wheezing and coughing. The girls started freaking out and Luke had to jump in the water to get me before I drown (again). I've never seen him look so worried and anxious before and I had to spend sixteen minutes telling him that I'm fine. Then Abby agreed on never becoming a ship captain and we all started laughing. It sucks how much a disorder can ruin a fun activity.

A loud snore emits from Abby and Sophie turns to her, her half-closed eyes staring at her.

"She snores like a damn pig," Sophie grumbles, pushing a black curl that fell from her frizzy ponytail out of her face.

"You haven't heard her when she's really exhausted," Zoey says.

"Is she not really exhausted right now?" She asks, her eyebrows raising up a bit.

"No. She's just tired," she shrugs.

"True words," I yawn, not even bothering to cover my mouth.

"Hello, people!" Zach chirps, taking a seat on the table along with Luke and Alex and when he sees no one responding to him, he frowns. "Tough crowd."

"Hi, Zach," Zoey greets him. "I'm representing all of them right now because everyone can barely see straight."

"I noticed." His eyes scan over us.

"You okay, Cherries?" Luke asks me and slips my hand in mine, then he intertwines our fingers together.

"I just wanna sleep," I respond in a small voice, resting my head on his shoulder.

"When did you sleep yesterday?" He questions, his thumb stroking the back of my hand.

"Six in the morning," I mumble.

"Damn, what were you guys doing?" Alex asks.

"Dancing," Zoey answers.

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