Chapter Fifty Nine
"Pinkie Promise It!"
I hear the front door open and I peek from over the couch, expecting it to be one of the guys only to find Colette and Sophie by the door.
"Guys?" I uncross my legs and get up. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at school."
"We were," Sophie answers. "Today's a Friday, we finish early."
"Right, I forgot."
The reason I wasn't at school with them is that I couldn't bring myself to go to school. I tried so many times, but every time I tried going, I just feel this random tug at my heart and I don't bother with it anymore.
Every time, I get ready, hoping that I'd go there and act normal. I start freaking out and I lose all hope in trying. I don't cry. I don't sob. I don't break down. I just stand there, feeling as if my heart is being weighed down. I try and I lose hope.
Fortunately, I'm starting to get better, kind of. After all, it has been only three days since dad's funeral.
"Well, what are you guys doing here?" I ask them.
"We came to spend some time with you," Lottie answers.
"Yeah, we realized that school is weird without you and we really miss you," Sophie says and I smile at her.
"I missed you guys too," I step forward hugging them and they hug me back.
I realize that they're still standing by the opened door. "Well, come in."
"We actually brought you a gift with us," Soph says excitedly.
"A gift?" I grin. "Where?" I try searching for something with them, but I find nothing.
"Right here." Then Riley's head pops from the doorway, smiling at me.
"Riley!" I basically scream and I run over to her, hugging her tightly and she hugs me back as hard as she could.
"Aw, I missed you! I missed you! I missed you!" She exclaims, squeezing the living hell out of me.
"I missed you too!" I choke out. For a tiny person, Riley can squeeze a soul out of a living creature with her hug.
She pulls away from me and my respiratory system starts working again. "How are you doing, baby?" She squeezes my hands.
"I'm okay," I smile, nodding.
"I'm sorry I couldn't arrive earlier, I had to convince dad into letting me go by telling him that I'll elope if he doesn't agree," she grins.
I laugh. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're here." I grab her in another small, quick hug before I let go.
"Well, this is a girls' day. Let's have the time of our lives!" Sophie announces and slams the door shut.
"Which is why we'll do nothing but spend countless hours with each other, talking about other people, you and Luke and how Brazil is starting to convince me to become a stripper," Riley lists.
"You better not become a stripper without me," Sophie warns her, walking over the couch and throwing herself on it.
"I'm not coming to visit you guys, if you do," Lottie decides, sitting on an arm chair, dangling her legs off the arm.

Midnight Falls
Roman pour AdolescentsWhen you're a seventeen-year-old girl with anxiety disorder and a gorgeous, popular girl that absolutely hates your guts for who-knows-what reason bullying you whenever she gets the chance, Anna Falls has no choice but to face reality.... her life s...