Chapter Forty Five
All The Best People Are Crazy.
"Do you still take photos?" I ask Luke, changing the Fiona topic.
"Yeah," he replies, then he reaches for a black camera bag and opens it. He gets a dark green Fujifilm instax mini 8 Polaroid camera out of the bag and holds it out for me.
I take it from him carefully, so it wouldn't slip and fall, then it's going to break and he will probably sue me (too dramatic, I know). I turn it around, admiring it then I look through the lens and turn around towards the window to catch a perfect view of the midday sky in the lens. I turn back around, still looking through the lens.
Luke appears in it, his features glowing in the camera. His eyes hold this jade green color around his slightly dilated pupil with sea green at the edges blending in with it, like the way that a color-stained paintbrush blends in with the clear water. His eyelashes are long and thin–feminine compared to the rest of his well-structured features–and I find myself in awe of his features. God really decided to spend more time on this one.
I put the camera down. "This thing gets amazing views," I tell him, acting as if I wasn't just admiring how he looks. "When did you get it?" I hand it back to him.
"Mom got it for me on my thirteenth birthday," he replies, observing it. "I want to buy the mini 9 one though. Don't get me wrong, I love this and it means a lot to me, but I prefer the newer one."
"Why don't you buy it then?" I ask him.
"The money that mom and I collect are for the house and for our necessarities. I don't want to waste our money on a camera. I want Clara to be able to buy an apartment later on. I want Luna to get in a good college," he explains, turning the camera in his hands. "I want them to be happy."
"That's really nice of you," I smile, locking my hands together. He smiles back softly and puts the camera back in its bag.
A knock comes from outside the door and it opens, revealing Clara with a small beagle in her arms. For a moment I think it's Molly and I wonder how did Clara get Molly, but then I realize that Molly doesn't have a golden collar tag shaped as a bone with the name 'Duke' on it and I also realize that this is Luke's dog.
"Hey," Clara greets us. "He missed you, so I decided to bring him to you," she tells Luke and places the dog down on the floor then it runs to Luke.
I would run to him too if I was you.
"I'm going to the mall with Aaron. Do you need anything?" Clara says to Luke.
"No," he replies. "Have fun."
"Will do. Bye," she waves before she closes the door again.
Duke nudges Luke's leg with his nose and whines softly before he notices me and he stops his affection fest to stare at me. I could tell that Duke is so much calmer than Molly. The difference is obvious when Molly met Luke and when Duke met me. She's crazy and he's not.
Luke and I watch as Duke walks closer to me and starts sniffing my feet. I crouch down, then I hold my palm out to him and he sniffs it. He licks my hand and basically jumps on top of me.

Midnight Falls
Roman pour AdolescentsWhen you're a seventeen-year-old girl with anxiety disorder and a gorgeous, popular girl that absolutely hates your guts for who-knows-what reason bullying you whenever she gets the chance, Anna Falls has no choice but to face reality.... her life s...