Chapter Nine
Don't Get Your Panties In a Twist, Cherries.
"So, the French Revolution?" I ask Luke, grabbing the wheelie chair and sitting on it, with the back of it facing me.
"Yeah. The shittiest lesson in history," he hands me his textbook.
I decided to tutor Luke today since I had nothing to do and the teachers barely give us anything on Tuesday.
"It's not that bad."
"I don't care that you're a history geek, Cherries."
"You're calling me a history geek when you're a nerd," I roll my eyes, opening the book.
"I'm just simply smarter than you."
"Sure," I say, sarcastically. "Let's start," I look down at the book, but then I remember that I don't understand anything from it and I throw it on the bed beside Luke.
"Uh, that's my book that you just tossed," he raises an eyebrow at me.
"I know that," I stand up. "Okay, so do you know why the French Revolution started?" I ask.
"Cause the queen lady didn't share her cake and the French dudes wanted some?" He questions.
"Close, but not really," I say, putting my index finger and my thumb at a distance of two centimeters away from each other. "You see, the poor people of France weren't really a huge fan of, 'the queen lady', Marie Antoinette."
I explain everything about the French Revolution to Luke. I even used his own style way of talking, like 'the queen lady', 'the French dudes' and 'the war crap', but he didn't use 'crap'.
"And that is pretty much everything," I finish.
"Finally," he sighs, laying down on his bed.
"Now, that my work is done. I'm out of here," I announce and I walk towards the door of Luke's room.
"Whoa, whoa. Hold up," Luke says and I stop, turning around.
"You didn't tell anyone that I'm staying here, right?"
"Well, I told my friends," I tell him, truthfully.
"You said you wouldn't tell anyone," he crosses his arms and the corners of his lips tug up slightly, but he presses his lips against each other.
"They're my friends. I tell them everything," I say. "Besides, it's not like you didn't tell anyone. You told your girlfriend," I point at him accusingly.
He furrows his eyebrows in confusion for a moment, before he realizes what I'm talking about, "Jennie and I are not dating."
"Right. Your 'bed-partner'," I air quote.
"I didn't tell Jennie anything," he says, then realisation appears all of his face for a fraction of a moment, before he sighs and rubs his face. "I bet it was that Katie chick."
"Katie who?"
"One of Jennie's friends."
"Yeah well, tell your 'buddy' to leave me the heck alone because I'm done with her psychotic bum," I say, before walking out of the room.

Midnight Falls
JugendliteraturWhen you're a seventeen-year-old girl with anxiety disorder and a gorgeous, popular girl that absolutely hates your guts for who-knows-what reason bullying you whenever she gets the chance, Anna Falls has no choice but to face reality.... her life s...