Chapter Thirty
Secrets Pt. 1
Noah's Ark: I just had the weirdest thought. If the universe is really infinite, like people tend to claim, does that mean that I might have an alien twin somewhere out there?
I frown and type back a reply as I walk down the hallway. Noah's thoughts don't scare me that much like they would scare any other person. He always has his random thoughts and I don't mind that, but sometimes I get really worried about him.
Like that one time when he wondered if the nuclear world is the real world that we're supposed to live in and that the bacterium is the one doing researches about us. I asked him if had hit his head against the lantern hanging from the ceiling again. He didn't.
As I round the corner, I notice Jennie and Luke standing together next to the lockers in the hall. I freeze and peek from around the corner. Jennie's back is facing me and I can see a clear view of Luke's face.
My eyebrows shoot up when I see Luke smiling, like actual smiling. Jennie's voice pipes up, but I don't catch what she is saying, then Luke replies and laughs and Jennie's laugh sounds next. Her laugh is actually beautiful and angelic, unlike me, whose laugh sounds like a high mouse.
I couldn't help but let the questions flow in my mind, why is Luke talking Jennie? Since when did they actually start talking to each other again? Are they friends now or something? I thought Jennie was hanging out with Seth now. Did something happen between them?
Okay, seriously...what's wrong with me?
It's none of my business who does Luke talk to or what's happening between them. It's his life, not mine. He can do whatever he wants.
I round around the corner and walk down the hallway casually as if I wasn't just watching them or anything. I stroll past them, playing dumb. That's what I'm used to anyway. Wake up. Play dumb. Repeat.
"Cherries," Luke calls and I stop, turning around.
"Oh...hey, Luke," I smile and turn to Jennie with the smile still on my face, "hey, Jennie."
"Anna," she smiles back sweetly and I almost believed that she was really being sweet, until she sounded like she was throwing up my name. Almost.
"I see you guys are talking again. That's nice," I turn to Luke and smile.
"Yeah. Jennie apologized about everything she did and stuff," he replies.
"And I really am sorry. Seth was a total asshole and he should have never treated you like that," she tells Luke, sounding real apologetic. I never thought I would hear Jennie apologizing or even close to being sincere.
"It's alright, Jen," he assures her.
I'm suddenly beginning to feel like a third-wheel.
"Well, I should probably go," I announce and I'm about to turn around, when Luke speaks up.
"Wait, Cherries. Can you wait for me by my car? I kind of wanted to show you something," he says.
"Yeah, sure. I'll meet you by your car after school," I declare, giving him one last smile and walking away.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I slip it out, instantly knowing it's Noah.
New text message from Noah's Ark.
Noah's Ark: That's rude af.
Me: Well if you keep sending me crap like that, I wouldn't be suprised if you are the true alien twin of yourself and the real you is probably a scientist five galaxies away.

Midnight Falls
Teen FictionWhen you're a seventeen-year-old girl with anxiety disorder and a gorgeous, popular girl that absolutely hates your guts for who-knows-what reason bullying you whenever she gets the chance, Anna Falls has no choice but to face reality.... her life s...