Chapter Fifty Eight

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Chapter Fifty Eight
Part I

How It All Went Down In One Day.


I fucked up. Real bad.

I sigh and run my hand through my hair. It wasn't supposed to go that way. We were supposed to be on the same page no matter what, but the stupid last decision screwed up everything.

Clara walks in my room and frowns. "What happened?" She asks.

"Anna and I had a fight," I respond, putting the chair back in its place in the corner, then sitting on the bed.

"What, why? You guys just went out with each other yesterday." She sits next to me, then her facial expression morphs into one of realization. "You told her about the Italy thing right?" I nod and rub my face with my hands.

"Did you tell her about the full thing? Or that you really just want to go there?" She questions.

"I told her that it has been my dream since mom told me about it and that it would be a great opportunity for both of us later. I don't know why the hell she got so mad," I explain.

"Anna is just scared, Luke. As you have noticed, she doesn't really have all the confidence in the world. She might have thought that just by you going there, she's going to lose you. You're going back to Italy. A lot of stuff happened there, with a lot of people. She has a right to be worried."

"What happened in Italy, happened in the past and Anna knows that I really like her. Why would I even look at some other girl when I've got her?"

I mean, she's stunning as hell. In every way. Her hair is stunning, her freckles are stunning, her smile is stunning, the way she talks is stunning, her personality is stunning. She's just so fucking gorgeous in every way. What would make me look at another girl when she's, well...that?

I can't even describe her in words.

"She can't guarantee those words, Luke. She's insecure. It's one of the things that ruin a lot for her," Clara tells me.

"And I ruined it even more by calling her selfish. Fuck," I place my face in my hands again and sigh.

"You didn't ruin it. You can still talk about it. You have three weeks left before you leave. Talk to her," Clara suggests.

I look at her and she smiles. It isn't the usual, bright smile of my sister and I know why, but I just smile back at her and she grabs me in a hug suddenly.

"I love you so much," she whispers and I hug her back.

"I love you too," I respond.

Clara pulls away from me and sniffs, looking down at her lap and wiping her eyes.

"Lara," I groan.

I absolutely hated it whenever my mother or my sisters cried and as 'unmanly' as this sounds, sometimes I end up crying because what the fuck else am I supposed to do when I see the people that I love crying? I can't take it. No matter what.

"Sorry, sorry," she sniffs and looks up at me. "I'm okay, I promise," she gives me a smile, but the tears evident in her eyes aren't really convincing.

She stands up. "Go talk to Anna. It's the right thing," she tells me, squeezing my shoulder before she walks out of the room.

I stand up and decide to get dressed to go talk to Cherries. My phone starts ringing and I glance at the caller, seeing that it's from Sophie. I frown and answer it as I put on my pants.

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