Chapter Thirty Two
Not Everybody Is A Professional Shakespeare.
Saturday, 25th of January
12:26 PM.I sigh and let my head fall back on the pillow. I have been dreading this day since a week and now that it's here, I feel nothing. I feel blank. I'm supposed to go visit her grave today with mum, but she told me that I can go alone if I want to have some alone time with Ana.
I want to stay in bed all day, but I know that I'll have to get up sooner or later. Definitely later. I gaze at the dark red ceiling with the glow in the dark sun sticker on it and just...well, stare.
To get up or not to get up.
To get up then.
I push myself up and swing my legs off of the bed with the blanket draped around my shoulders, then I drag myself to the bathroom, not even bothering to do my bed; I will get back in it later. After I'm done with my morning routine, minus the shower; I didn't really feel like it, I head downstairs and walk to the kitchen, the only sound that could be heard is the sound of my flip-flops that are hitting against the ceramic floor.
Nobody is home. Mum is at work since it helps her with taking her mind off of the whole Ana thing. Josh spends the morning with his college friends, while Cole spends it with his girlfriend. Cameron is with his best friend and Liam is with Sade. Lastly, dad drowns himself in work more and doesn't even bother to come home. The last time I saw him was in two days, then he pretty much never came home after that. Mum called him and he said that he'll come home tomorrow.
I trudge around the kitchen, getting ingredients and utensils. After a lot of mixing, pouring and focusing, I'm finally done with my bowl of cereal and milk. I could turn this into a proper breakfast Filipino cuisine style, but I don't really feel like doing so. I walk to the couch and place the bowl on the coffee table, then I plop down on the couch.
I search for something to watch on TV until I find a How I Met Your Mother re-run and it's the first season too, which means I'll be binge watching the show for the next seven hours or so, not that I mind. I grab my bowl and start stuffing my face with Lucky Charms and milk.
One hour later.
"No, Ted! You belong with Tracy, not with Robin for God's sake!" I shout at the television screen.
Half an hour later.
"That's a plot twist," I mutter, watching the characters upside down and feeling the blood already rushing in my head.
"Okay, ow ow ow." I flip myself quickly before I faint and lay down on the couch.
Another half an hour later.
"This is starting to get boring," I sigh.
Almost as if an angel heard me complaining, the doorbell rings and I rush to open with the door with the blanket on my shoulders. I open the wooden door and the slightly chilly weather of January hits me in the face.
"We're here!" Sophie throws her hands in the air and Riley smiles widely, doing jazz hands while Colette stands there with her arms crossed and shoots me a smile and a wave.
"What are you guys doing here?" I frown.
Sophie pushes past me and walks inside and so does the other two, as Sophie speaks up, "we're here to cheer you up!"
"Cheer me up?" I close the door and turn towards them.
"Exactly. We're going to do everything to get your mind off of anything and we're going to have so much fun!" Riley says, grabbing the remote and turning the TV off.

Midnight Falls
Roman pour AdolescentsWhen you're a seventeen-year-old girl with anxiety disorder and a gorgeous, popular girl that absolutely hates your guts for who-knows-what reason bullying you whenever she gets the chance, Anna Falls has no choice but to face reality.... her life s...