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My neck hurts from being hunched over, staring straight down at my clenched fists. My heart beats wildly, afraid from the lifelong anxiety of a visit to the doctor. Usually mother would be by my side, to calm my pesky nerves. Sadly, she's gone...everyone's gone...

Tears begin to form, burn, and threaten to fall from my sockets. Keep it together, Florence. Keep it together.

"Florence Evergard?" The sound of my name jolts me, and the tears, back. I look up to see a very generic doctor scanning the pool of patients I sit in. I take a deep breath before standing up, acknowledging my name and following the doctor into the examination room.

The generic doctor disappears. A new, more unique doctor appears. She holds the same clipboard as he did, with square glasses and blonde hair pulled into a neat bun.

"Nice to meet you, Florence. I'm Doctor Miriam Smith." She gives me a warm, yet ominous smile. "Please, have a seat."

I scan the room. White tiles upon white tiles. A tray holding medical supplies. A monitor nearby an examination bench, where Miriam taps her gloved hand on. My throat tightens.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. You're just here to receive a...vaccine is all." Her smile stretches even further apart, her voice bouncing off the walls.

I can't do anything but comply now, can I? Reluctantly, I inch over to the bench and sit on it.

"This won't hurt in the slightest." She attaches an elastic around my arm and begins tapping for a vein. A swab of alcohol turns my skin to ice before the needle eases itself in.

The odd vaccine, yellowish, drains rapidly into my arm. Mariam gently removes the needle, staring at me dead in the eye. It's like she's waiting for something to happen to me. Any reaction, any change. Like I'm a test subject.

And a test subject I am. An unbearable, burning sensation spreads across my arm, to my chest and throughout the rest of my body. A scratching, scraping sensation runs through my veins. I fall off the bench, onto the disgusting white floor. My breathing spirals out of control. Stars spot my vision. Miriam still stands, observing, but this time with confusion in her eyes.

Her horrible face is the last thing I see, before I black out from the fires in my body.

Quinn here, back again with a short story. It's a very simple one, but I hope you like it!
Give it a vote, perhaps a nice comment too? OwO

Onwards to the next chapter!


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