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Crunched up in the back of someone's old Honda civic that they left behind, I zip my dirty old patchy coat up to my neck to get warmer. The inside seats are so dusty everytime I move I can see the dust particles floating along the beam of my flashlight. Clumps of snow went down the windshield  as the temperature drops lower, so low that each time I exhale a warm misty cloud escapes my mouth. This is the only place I could find at a time like this. There was no way I could stay in the back-alley, I would've been frozen to death and Pete didn't want a roommate. The first of Christmas is always hard for me, anytime the snow comes everything gets limited and just like last year I didn't find anywhere convenient for this climate.

The continuous barking of a dog woke me, I couldn't see outside but I know if a dog is barking a owner might come along, I kept  knocking the bottom of the flash light over and for it to go out but it didn't. Scratching the left back door which my back is against the dog kept barking and the flashlight wouldn't go out.

"Simon" the moment I heard a male voice I hid the still lit flashlight in the bosom of my coat "Come on Simon its cold out here, quit scratching that door and come along"

The dog Simon  realse a whimper of stubbornness and proceed to scratch and sniffle the door.

"Come on boy"

The man's footsteps became distant  and the dog was gone, I am at peace once more. Taking out the flashlight from my bosom I sigh in relief  and whisper a short prayer.

"Okay boy, I hope you're right about this"

A shock feeling ran through my  toes up to my cold  fingers, the flashlight fell from my hands and roll under the seat. I tried  my best to retrieve it because the light was shining through a clear section of the windshield.

"Something is in there Simon, that looks like a flashlight" I crawl over to the right door trying to pull it, I assume that the man is using a crowbar to pull the door because he's making some strange grunts as if he's using a lot of strength.

The door flew open, I brought my hands to my knees in fear as a bright light lit up the whole car.

"Get out!"

I did what he said and step out with my hands raised in the air "Please don't kill me" I beg as he use his nine millimeter gun to direct me to the right.

With his dog seated at his side  I gaze upon the tall figure, there's no houses so It wouldn't make a difference if  I'd  scream, the only thing here to witness my death is a distant lamppost, a dog and my killer.

A thick clump of cold smoke came from his mouth  "What  were  you doing in  there?"

"I-I w-was sleeping"

He ran the huge ray of  the flashlight up and down  my body, I couldn't see his face but the way he speaks is frightening

"Why are you sleeping in a car"

My mouth kept shaking from both the cold and fear  "B-because its w-w-warm"  catching my breath I continue after  choosing my  words wisely "I'm staying  h-here till the snow clears  up, I won't cause any trouble"

He sighs "You already costing me trouble already"

"I'm sorry, I'll be on my way then"

"I can lend you room to stay the night"

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