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Eating with my head down, I tried to block out the gossiping Dez and Lyrah are spitting. Its awful how they have all those negative things to say about Moya, Her boyfriend that puts hands on her is the worst so far. Laughing about a woman stuck in a toxic relationship because she can't do better, is disgusting. Deep down that girl maybe hurting and them talking about doesn't make it any better.

Dez gave out a coughing laugh "Girl I saw her walk in with a cake full of make up I know she got a black eye"

Moya took a seat beside me, she didn't speak. Her eyes look sad and her spirit seems drained "Are you okay?"

"I would be lying  if  I said yes" she squeeze out some ketchup and start on her fries

"You should talk to somebody" I am hoping I could help, but with that look on her face I can tell she's going to deny.

"Its just a phase, it shall pass"

I couldn't help but feel concern for her "What if it doesn't pass" Moya didn't answer, She just kept staring at her drink.

My phone rang and I quickly accept the video call from Wes.

Relaxing comfortable in his leather chair he smiles "Are you busy?"

"No I'm on lunch break, why are you smiling so hard?"

He bites his lip "you look so beautiful, damn I should take you out when we both have free time"

Wes is so handsome, his clean perfect smile and his groomed beard, makes me feel tingly all the time. I love his dark brown complexion so much that I began loving mine.

"You got that look on your face" he rub his beard and lick his lips, while looking through hooded eyes

Laughing softly my eyes then glance on Moya who is giving me a look, I didn't even remember she's beside me "I don't have that look" I told him, trying to hold my composure.

"You know what I mean" he clears his throat "I won't be able to pick you up after work"


"I have a meeting in Atlanta" he sighs "I'm gonna let Gabriel pick you up, he already agree to do it"

I've never seen Gabriel in person, I heard Wes talk about him and call his name a couple times.

"Okay" I'm still concerned about this Gabriel person but I trust Wesson.

"I'm going to make it up to you"

"Okay I have to go, love you" I rush out

"Love you too" after hanging up the phone, I start packing up my leftovers, Dez got up laughing and for some reason I can tell she's laughing at Moya

"You look like a teenager, mad in love"

My cheeks got heated and my smile touch my ear "I guess I am"

We just closed up, Moya and I are both waiting for our drive, the night air is hot and the streets had some group of Idle guys hanging around.  I glance over my shoulder every now and then checking if anyone is sneaking up behind.

Her uber came and she hesitated to leave me behind but I told it was fine, so she left. My nerves kick in when a guy from the crowd shout out to me, I ignored it and pretend I didn't hear.

I was about to freak out when the guy start to walk across the street to me but a car pulled up infront of me just in time. It was kinda strange because it was the exact car Wes was asking me last month, what I thought about it, a BMW i8

"Are you Kehzeeli?" I could only see some strands of orange hair and a stubble.


"I'm Gabriel, get in" I put on my seat belt seat belt and remain silent.

"Sorry I'm late to pick you up—" Gabriel presence seem warm, his orange hair hangs freely down his shoulders, he swiftly took a scrunchie off his hand and catch his hair up in a man bun "I ran in some problems"

"That's okay"

About five minutes  of driving we made it to the intersection, the lights are stuck on red and  two people decided it was perfect  scene  to make out.

"Get the fuck out the way!!" Gabriel yells through the window, I was surprised by his huge accent change.

Laughing hard I place my hand on my chest "Can you say that again" I've never heard anyone curse like that.

He grins "No, I can't have you laughing at me again"

"Your accent sounds nice"  If my parents had live to grow me up, maybe I would have an accent too.

"Thanks"  Gabriel is a person that's easy to talk to, for the first time meeting him I understand why he's Wes's friend.

"Do you know what time Wes will be back?"

He shrugs "He's probably back by now but he was suppose to keep his niece for a couple hours"

I thanked him for the ride home and got inside, the first thing I did was release my hair which made my head feel lighter. Simon came running down the steps with Wes behind him, I drop down in the couch when Simon sprung at me.

"Simon, no kissing nor licking!" Wes warns

It's unbelievable sometimes how Simon understands Wes because he didn't even sniff my face nor  lick my face . The second Simon got off me Wes tackled me on the couch.

"I've been waiting for you" he kiss me on the lips "How was work"

"It was good, your friend Gabriel is nice"

He lift me up of the couch "I'm glad you got to meet him, I got your bath ready"

"I wanted to eat first" I look up at him as he carry me to the stairs "We ran out of my favorite bath bombs"

"No I got some today" he place me down to stand and take off my clothes.

I got in the bath, close my eyes and relax, the temperature of the water is warm and perfect, I was about to doze off when his fingers start trailing over my stomach.

Sitting on the edge of the tub he kept playing with my stomach "Kehzeeli do you want kids?"

"Yeah, I can see myself having our kids, Why'd you ask?"

He look at me "Cause I want a baby"

"What!" Raising myself up to sit in the tub I look at him "Like now!?"

"Yeah, right now" he answers with confidence.

"Babe I'm not ready yet" Sighing deeply I gave him my full attention "Wesson I just got a job, I can't have a baby right now"

I assume the couple hours he spent with his niece naturally influenced him to be a dad, I want to have his kids but I still don't know his family, we can't make that step yet.

He ran his hands down his sad face "I'm sorry for asking"

"Wesson don't be sorry" I took his hands in mine "Can you at least give me some more time"

"How long?"

"About a year"

Wes shook his head "No lets start now"

"You're bat shit crazy"

He cup my face "You're the cause of that"

"Wesson we'll make as much babies we want but in the next couple years"

He got up "Fine"

"Where is all of this coming from!?"

"Its nothing, I'm sorry I brought it up" he walk through the door without looking over his shoulder.




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