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After we left Starbucks I begged him to stop at IHop, I've seen the advertisements of places like it but to actually walk inside feels different. I could tell he doesn't like this type of environment where there's a lot of people.

"We can go somewhere else if you're uncomfortable"

He chuckles and took up the menu "I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just bothered by the amount of eyes on you"

Staring at his face my my eyes linger over his attire, he has on a Tommy Hilfiger tshirt similar in color to my outfit and some light blue ripped jeans, I even find it cute for us to be wearing the same looking shoes.

Putting down the menu he fix his eyes at me "You wanna try there, Omelets or something from the grilled to toast section-" he pick up the menu again "Or the pancakes"

"I don't know"

"Okay lets try some omelets and pancakes"

When the waiter came he ordered two of each, chocolate chip pancakes and chicken fajita omelets.

The whole mood was set, we were talking about his achievements and about his family, talking about his family seemed easy as if everything was perfect growing up. I can't stop questioning myself why did I ran into this man?. He's handsome and has a kind heart, he might have a some anger problems but he's fine to me. Wes's lips and smile always get my knee caps feeling weak, I know made a solid promise to myself that I'd leave after I get everything together but can I leave with all these feelings he's sparking within?.

"-My dad passed last year so its just my mom, two sisters and me at the moment"

"I'm sorry to hear about your dad, so you're the eldest sibling?"

He smiles "How old do I look to you?"

"Hmmmm.......twenty five"

Laughing with this head down he then shook it "Close, I'm twenty four and I'm the last child"

"Yet you act like you're the eldest"

Slightly pulling my chin so our faces can be close he peck my lips "I got something plan for you when we get back"

"W-What's that?"

He brought his lips close to my ear "Multiple orgasms"

Chills tear through my spin, his words got my nipples hard as my mind backtracked to the last time, I caught him staring at my chest. Following his eyes I looked down on my breast, my harden nipples were printing through my top. I thought it would be better to wear this top without a bra but I thought wrong.

Taking out some cash he paid our bill and got up, I didn't move the same time as him. Leaning down to me he whispers "Don't tell me you're too wet to stand"

I got up and he warp his arm around my waist "No I'm just shocked"

Smiling mischievously he stares down at me after he push the door open "You're gonna be more than shocked"

Kicking of my shoes near the couch, I then grab a bottle water and gulp it down. Wes is on the phone talking about some meetings and Simon is just being hyperactive as always. With a little time on my hands I used it to think about what's going to take place this evening. Wes already showed me that he can be gentle but I feel dirty knowing that man ruined me. Taking another sip from the bottle I took up my shoes and head upstairs.

"Where you going?" He asks with his palm covering the speaker of his phone

"To my room!" I whisper yell

He look at me and mouth "No, my room"

Turning the knob, I walked in his room and sprawled myself out on his king sized bed. Couple months a go I couldn't enter his room and now I can.

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