Chapter Five

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(AN// 68 reads. Like what. I didn't even think I would get five reads to be honest. I love you guys so much. Thank you. -Liz)

{Jay's POV}

Ugh. What am I supposed to do now? Matt took me in when I had nowhere else to go, why did I have to be an idiot and develop feelings for him? And I freakin kissed him. Oh my god. I'm such an idiot. I was crying on the other bed. Who did this even belong to? Carter had gone out ten minutes ago to go to the pool with the boys. I told him that I didn't want to go. Matt was probably going to be there. I don't know why I was crying again. I was fine before. But I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Oh my god. I was cold as shit right now. Why did Carter keep his room so damn cold? I heard the door creak open. What was Carter doing back already?

"Um. Hi?" It was Hayes. "Jay... oh my god. Are you okay? Why are you crying? What happened?" Hayes came over and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Oh fuck. This is your bed isn't it? I'm sorry. I'm such a mess right now. I'll lea-"

"No. Don't leave. Please don't leave. I hate seeing you sad. Please don't cry. Oh my god. You're shivering. Here. Take this."

Hayes pulled off his hoodie and put it on me. He wrapped his arms around me once again.

"What happened baby girl?" Hayes whispered.

"My parents kicked me out and Matt found me crying on the street. Literally on the streets. He almost hit me with his car." I chuckled. "Then um. I don't know. He took me back here. And I met you guys. And when we all went back to my house to get my stuff. Matt and I. We... we kissed." I explained whispering the last part but I knew Hayes had heard it. Considering that he had pulled me onto his lap and was hugging me tightly.

"It's going to be okay. I know it is. Matt isn't like that. He kissed you for a reason. Do you like him?"

I thought about it for a second and slowly but surely nodded.

Hayes smiled. "Then I say go for it. I can really see you guys together. And all the guys have been rooting for Mayden since day one."

He really knew how to make me feel better. I looked down blushing like crazy and smiled to myself. I sat up from Hayes' lap and kissed his cheek. "Thanks. Really. Love you."

"Hey. No problem. Love you too. Anything for a best friend. Do you want to stay here for tonight?"

I shook my head no. I needed to talk things over with Matt.

{Matt's POV}

I heard a knock on the door. I had decided against swimming because Jay probably would've been there. I didn't want to face the awkwardness. I got up and answered it. It was Sara. I mentally punched myself in the face. Oh my god. How could I forget about Sara visiting today? How could I forget about her? She's my girlfriend. I cheated on my girlfriend. I kissed another girl. I'm such a fucking idiot. We had just gotten back together. And I had yet to tell the guys. We were both going to break the news to them together when Sara got here. She had been cheating on me last time with one of my friends from back at home. But she promised me that she had changed. And I believed her.

"Hey baby! Omg I've missed you so much!" Sara squealed while pulling me in for a kiss.

"Hey Sara. I missed you too." I smiled half-heartedly as I grabbed her bags and led her into the hotel room. What am I supposed to do now? Do I tell Sara about what happened between Jay and I?

{Hayes' POV}

Jay had asked me to go with her to talk to Matt and I had happily tagged along. We walked into Matt's room to find Matt talking to some girl. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and was dressed like a complete slut. Her shirt was practically a bra and her ass was hanging out of her shorts. It's January. In New Jersey. It's still snowing for crying out loud.

Matt saw us and smiled. "Matt, who the hell are these people?" The blonde sneered.

"This is Hayes and Jay." He introduced pointing us out. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Sara." She introduced looking Jay up and down with a disgusted look. Then looked back up at me. "Matt's girlfriend" She said with a smirk.

Jay's grip on my hand tightened then she quickly let go.

"Um. I just remembered that I promised Carter that I would hang out with him today. I'll see you later." Jay mumbled running out of the room.

I chased after her back to my room. She was on the ground curled up in a ball sobbing violently. She had barely made it past the door way before she had collapsed onto the floor crying.

"Why me? Why me? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I hate my life." Jay sobbed. Every word breaking my heart. How could Matt do this to her?

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