Chapter Twenty

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{Cameron's POV}

I unlocked my hotel door and raced to my charger. I plugged it in, but nothing happened. I unplugged it and tried it again. It still wasn't working. "Crap." This was the third charger I've broken. "Yo, Nash!" I called out.
"Yeah?" he called from the shower.
"Can I borrow your charger?" I asked.
"Hayes has it. Go grab it from him." Nash answered.
I let out a groan and pick myself up so I can go to Hayes' room.

I knock on the door and hear laughing on the other side. That definitely wasn't Hayes, unless he turned into a girl overnight. "Give me second, coming!" Hayes answers and opens the door. I walk in, "hey man. Nash said you had his charger and I ne- what the fuck." I stopped abrubtly. I must have been seeing things. This isn't real. This isn't real.
"Hi Cameron."
"Jayden. Jayden fucking Matthews. Is that really you?" I was so shocked. I didn't understand.
"I don't know. It depends. Do you want me to be Jayden Matthews?" Jay laughed.
I ran to her and picked her up, spining her in the air.
"It's been months, where the hell have you been? I missed you like crazy." I laughed hugging her tighter.
Jay laughed that beautiful laugh. "I missed you too. But you gotta let me go, I can't breathe."
I let go of Jay and set her down. "Sorry," I apologized blushing- my smile never ceasing.
"Does Matt know you're here?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's a really long story. I'll explain when the rest of y'all are here. Just not now though, I just want to chill." She explained.
"Okay, cool. Let's chill." I replied sitting with her on the bed and turning on a movie.

{Nash's POV}

Where was Cameron? He's been gone for a while. Maybe I should text him?
Yo bro, where are you? I texted.
Hayes' room. Cam replied almost immediately. Oh. Okay. So I guess I'll just go there. I grabbed my phone and slipped shoes on real quick. I knocked on Hayes's door and Shawn answered. "Hey, come in. We're just watching movies." 
"Oh. Okay, cool." I replied and walked in. Holy shit. Holy motherfucking shit. "JAY!" I screamed and jumped on the bed, tackling her.
Jay laughed, "hey Nash. Good to see you too." wrapping her arms around me."Wait, but I'm so confused. Why are you back? I don't get it?" I questioned.
"Long story. I'll explain later. Chill time. Come cuddle." Jay demanded.
I laughed and took her in my arms. She hadn't changed at all.

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