Chapter Eight

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{Jay's POV}

I looked up, my glossy eyes threatening to spill. Wait.. What happened with Sara? Matt just kept apologizing. He was leaning in. Holy shit. This was actually happening. Wait. Holy shit. He was about to kiss my again. My breath caught in my throat as Matt inched closer and closer to me. He closed the distance between our bodies and sealed our lips. I immediately relaxed and melted into his kiss. I had missed Matt so much. Wow. Was this really happening? We pulled away from the kiss and I ducked my head and blushed. I was smiling like crazy. Matt placed his fingers under my chin and forced me to look at him.

"Don't ever hide your face. You're so beautiful." He told me with a cute little crease on his eyebrows and he frowned slightly.

I started smiling like crazy. He put his arm over my shoulder.

"Want to go back to the boys? We can just chill and grab something to eat later?"

I nodded. "Sure. Let's go."

We walked into Jack and Jack's room. Gilinsky was there with his arm wrapped around some girl. Wow. She's really pretty. She was Asian, with long dark-brown wavy hair. Maybe around 5'4"? She was just one of those girls that looked pretty without wearing any make up. I was jealous. But who was she.?

"Jada? Jack, are you guys together again or.?" Matt was the first to speak, his voice laced with confusion.

So Jada was her name. My eyebrows crinkled in confusion. Together again? So an ex of Gilinsky. Oh. Matt raised his eyebrow and gave Jack a look. He just brushed it off and explained. "Nah. But I saw Jada while I was at Starbucks and we started talking again. I decided to invite her to stay with us for a bit since all the other guys have girls coming."

Jada smiled and waved at us. I smiled back and shyly buried my head into Matt.

{Jack G's POV}

Wow. Jada is still as beautiful as ever. I was so surprised to see her again. When I first passed her, I couldn't believe it. She had hardly changed. Still wearing her crop top, Vans, and high waisted shorts. I chuckled when I saw that she had her penny board under the table. We had talked for almost two hours and I got the idea to invite Jada back to the hotel. All the other guys had their girls coming, so I could use Jada's company. Wow. I missed her so much. This would be a perfect time for us to catch up.

"Baby, why don't you and Jada go in the other room and get to know each other and do make up or something. I don't know." Matt shooed the girls away.

I heard Jada and Jay scoff and giggle as they walked into the other room chatting about whatever.

"So man, what's the deal with you and Jada? Are you guys getting back together or what?" Matt questioned, eyebrow raised.

"I don't know. I mean, I missed her so much. I really did. But, everything was such a mess last time. And we both got really hurt. I just need to think about it I guess." I sighed, frustrated. I ran a hand through my hair. Pleading Matt with my eyes silently for help.

"Look man, I don't know how to help you. You were both so paranoid all the time about each other. And had virtually no trust. It seemed to me that you were more unhappy than not most of the time. But all the guys and I knew that you guys cared about each other a lot. There was no doubt about that. So. I don't know." Matt shrugged.

I groaned. Ugh. What am I supposed to do? Maybe time would help me out.

{Jada's POV}

Wow. Jack was still gorgeous as ever. And his smile still made me melt. And his arms. Ugh. His arms. I miss him so much. I think I still love him. I was ecstatic when he asked me to stay with the rest of Magcon. It made my heart hurt to think about how badly our last relationship ended up. We were always fighting and accusing each other of cheating. I had a lot of guy friends and Jack was becoming more famous. Having girls throw themselves at him every day. Eventually it just became too much for us.

"So. Um. If you don't mind me asking, what happened with you and Gilinsky." Jay asked shyly.

I gave her a reassuring smile. "Just trust issues." Not wanting to explain further than that, knowing I'd probably end up being brought to tears. I want Jack back. Is it even worth it after all the shit we went through last time though? I mentally groaned and looked up at Jay. Her hair was amazing. The red really suited her. We continued to just talk about random things.

"So. What's up with you and Matt?" I casually asked.

Jay blushed and looked down. Wow. Shy girl. Blushes a lot too. "We're dating." my eyes widened and Jay continued, "he actually- uh- asked me tonight. Right before we came here." She explained smiling like crazy. Aw. That's so cute. They're adorable together.

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