Chapter Twenty Three

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{Calum's POV}

Luke had just gotten out to get the boys and I food. My mentions on Twitter were going off like crazy. Did something happen? It was a picture. I groaned. I swear, if it was my nudes again, I thought we got past this. I clicked on the picture and my eyes widened. "Holy shit." I gasped.
The other guys turned to look at me. Choruses of "What?" and "What happened?" called out to me. There was a picture of Jay kissing Matt. It could have been photoshopped, right? Jay wasn't one to cheat. But her and Matt did have history..
"Hey, guys? Come check this out. Does this look real to you?" I asked showing them the picture.
"It could've been old.?" Michael suggested.
"No, this was today. Look at her, look at her outfit. Thinner than a corpse and the same outfit from hours ago." Ashton pointed out.
This couldn't be happening. Jay was with Luke. I don't understand what happened.
"Do you think Luke's seen this?" I asked.
"I don't know. I'll call him now." Michael offered. He groaned. "Straight to voicemail. His phone must be off."
"I'm texting Jay." I announced.
I saved the picture and sent it to her. What the hell is wrong with you?
"Guys! I'm back." Luke announced with pizza.
We all looked at him.
"What?" he asked, confused.
"Have you been on Twitter at all today?" I asked him.
"Nah. My phone died and I was too lazy to charge it. Why?" He asked.
I exchanged a look with all of the boys. Should we tell him?
"What?" Luke demanded and took Michael's phone out of his hand. He quickly browsed through twitter. His face dropped. "Oh." He must have found the picture.
"This must be old." Luke said desperately.
I shook my head.
"Or photoshopped. Fans are really good at that." He continued.
"Mate, it's real." I responded.
"Maybe it's not her," Luke continued to make pathetic excuses for the picture.
I looked down at my phone and saw that Jay had seen the text.
Just going to ignore me now? This isn't okay Jay. I texted.
"Why would she cheat on me? I thought she loved me. What am I supposd to do now? Maybe I should go talk to her.." Luke mumbled, more to herself than us.
"No. You're obviously not okay right now. You're not going anywhere." Ashton directed.

{Jay's POV}

*ding* What the hell is wrong with you?
What? I opened up the message. Holy fuck. There was a picture of me kissing Matt. This was taken today. When did this happen? I logged onto Twitter and my mentions were blowing up. Shit. This picture was everywhere.
"Hello? Earth to Jay? You okay?" Carter asked.
"Jay?" Matt asked concerned, wrapping an arm around me.
I felt my arms begin to water and all of the boys gathered around me.
"No, baby. Don't cry. What's wrong? We can help you." Chorused the boys.
I looked down out at my phone. One new message. From Calum.
Just going to ignore me now? This isn't okay Jay.
No. Things weren't supposed to turn out this way.
Aaron tooked my phone from my hand and opened up the picture.
"Guys, we're in some deep shit." Aaron sighed, turning the phone around to show everyone the picture.
"How did this even happen? Who took this?" Matt demanded to no one in particular.
"I don't know." I cried into his shoulder.
"Don't cry, we can fix this." Johnson tried to comfort.
"How the fuck are we supposed to fix this? It's already everywhere!" I lashed out at him.
I opened the twitter app and scrolled through my timeline and mentions. It was all hate. Towards me. No, no, no. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm so stupid. Yeah. You are. But your blades can help. They're your only friends. Do you think anyone actually cares about you? The voices in my head hissed.
I shook my head and gasped out a sob.
"What a whore."
"Wow. Back to Matt again? I bet she slept with all the other guys first."
"The emo bitch should just slit her wrists and get it over with."
And from there, it was much worse. What the hell do I do? Cut. The voices were right of course. I need to cut. It's been too long. I deserve it. I need to.
"Baby, please don't be upset. Wow. That really wasn't helpful. I'm so sorry. I'm by your side every step of the way, okay?" Matt hugged me as I curled up against his chest soaking his shirt.
"I need to head back to our room. This day has been exhausting." I whispered hoarsely.
"No!" Taylor yelled, his eyes widening. What the hell?
"What?" I asked confused.
Everyone turned to look at Taylor. He groaned in frustration. "Don't y'all see? She's going so she can cut again."
Fuck. "That's not true." I feebly attempted to lie.
"Why won't you just let us fucking help you? We're here for you. You don't need your blades, we're here for you." Hayes bursted out.
"I love you. Don't ever forget that. I'm going to be here for you no matter what. I promise." Matt whispered giving me a tight hug.

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