Chapter Seven

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{Cam's POV}

There's been so much drama lately. But we're all heading out to leave for Florida tomorrow for Magcon. I'm not sure exactly what happened but Jay hasn't been the same lately. She's upset all the time lately and whenever Matt walks into the room, she ducks her head and leaves. Something definitely happened between those two. Is it because of Sara? We all know that Matt and Jay like each other. So why is Matt dating Sara? She's no good for him. Sara broke his heart and left him. I finished brushing my teeth and walked out the bathroom. Sara was there sitting on my bed. "Why are you here?"

She smirked and pushed me on the bed, smashing her lips against mine. I pushed her off of me. "What the hell is your problem?! You're with Matt. Not me. And I have a girlfriend. You need to get out."

Sara just rolled her eyes and walked away. I knew she hadn't changed. I need to tell Matt. I walked to his room and knocked on the door. "Hey, what's up?" Matt answered with a smile. He stepped aside so I could come in. I walked in and started pacing, running my hands through my hair.

Matt frowned. "What's wrong man?"

"Look.. um.. I don't really know how to tell you. But.. Sara kissed me. Man, she hasn't changed. She's no good for you. She kissed me."

It was dead silent. Matt's face went from sad to confused to angry.

"What's your problem?! I know Jay is your friend. I know you guys don't like Sara. But why the hell do you have to lie to me about this shit? Sara wouldn't do that to me. This is really low. I thought you were my friend." Matt ranted, furious and hurt.

How could he not believe me? He's one of my best friends. Why can't he just fucking trust me? "You know what? Whatever man. I tried to help you and I tried being a good friend. But you won't fucking trust me. I'm done." I stormed out the room.

(AN// i know most of these guys aren't part of magcon anymore, but it's just easier to refer it as that.)

{Matt's POV}

I can't believe Cam would lie about something like that. He's one of my best friends. I was absolutely furious. I swear everyone has a problem with Sara and I's relationship. But she's changed. She wouldn't cheat on me again. She's changed. Why can't people just respect my relationship for once? I've supportive of all the guys and their girlfriends. Is this because of Jay? I already feel terrible for the whole situation. Cameron doesn't have to start more drama because of it. I've been meaning to talk to her about it but she hasn't given me a chance. I get crap about it from Aaron, Nash, Taylor, and the Jack's all the time. Hayes has pretty much ignored me since the incident besides giving me dirty looks. Cameron and Carter were the only ones that really are really there for me. I guess it's just Carter now. I groaned in frustration and laid on the bed. I've been thinking about this nonstop but I have no idea who to choose. And it doesn't help that there's so much drama between the guys and I right now. I groaned and got up. That's it. I'm ending this all right now. I was about to turn the corner of the hallway when I heard a familiar voice.

"Look, Matt really doesn't have to find out about that kiss, right? It's easier for all of us Cameron. He doesn't have to know."

"Sara. Stop. You kissed me. Not the other way around. You're still nothing but a cheater and you don't deserve someone as great as Matt. You're lucky he gave you a second chance and you're already screwing it up." I heard Cameron say.

Fuck. He really was telling the truth. I should have trusted him. Sara really hadn't changed. She's not the one I should be with. It's Jay. She's the one I want. The one I love.

"That's it. We're done. I can't believe you cheated on me again. I thought you changed, but I couldn't be more wrong. I want you gone. We're done."

Sara looked stunned at first. She then scoffed and stormed away.

"Look man, Cameron, I'm so sorry. You don't even realize how bad I feel right now. I should've believed you from the start an-"

"Matt. Really. Don't worry about it. Stop wasting your time. The one you should really be talking to right now is Jay." Cam reassured.

I smiled at him and ran off into the direction of Hayes' and Carter's hotel room. I saw Jay sitting on the bed. She looked up when she heard the door close. She starting shaking her head, signaling for me to leave, her eyes turning glossy.

"Look. Please. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. You don't even realize how sorry I am. I never wanted any of this to happen. But Sara cheated on me again. And you're the one I really want to be with. I love you."

Jay looked up at me smiling. And this time, it was a real smile. It reached to her eyes, making them twinkle. I cradled her into my arms and pulled her close to me.

"I love you." I whispered to her again and brought my lips down onto hers.

I hugged her tight. This just felt so right. Where had Jay been all my life? I had her now, and I was never letting her go.

(AN// guys, nothing i'm editing is posting and i'm actually 3000% done right now. like how do I fix this? I had so much written. ugh. but thanks guys. ily.))

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