The kiss (6)

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•kirishima's POV•

As we walked into the training room in our hero costumes, I kept noticing bakugou giving me glances ever so often.

"Okay I would like you to find an empty space and begin practicing what you have been taught" me aizawa says while getting into his sleeping bag.

"Ok shitty hair, hit me" Bakugou says as he takes a few steps back. We were at the back where barely anyone else was practicing.

I harden my arms and go for him. He takes a step to the side right before I hit him and throws me to the floor with his explosion.

"Again" he says as he helps me up. I go in for it again, but this time I harden my arms and chest. I do the same thing and go in straight for him. This time he moves to the other side and extends his arm out to hit me with another explosion but I hit his arm away with my hand and push him.

He lands on his back and props himself up with his elbows. I walk over and hold my arm out to help him up but instead, he grabs my arm and throws me to the floor.

"Ha, didn't expect that did ya?" He says with a smirk on his face. He gets up and straddles my hips. I began to blush but attempted to hide it with my arm. He then notices what he was doing and gets up.

"Tch, what are ya still doing on the floor, get up so we can fight" he says with a slight tint of red on his face.

We trained for the whole day, aizawa occasionally helping us out with our techniques. I walked into the changing room with the guys and we got dressed into our school uniforms.

"Hey shitty hair" Bakugou says as the other boys chatter. without turning around I answer with a "mhm"

"I'm going to the park to train and since you suck so bad I was wondering if you wanna join" I turn around to him to see him staring into my eyes.

"Oh, okay" I say a little bit flat. I then turn around to change and get my things ready to go home.

I begin leaving the doors when I catch bakugou chatting with some girls from the other class. I decide it's not worth my time to tune in on what they're talking about.

I begin walking away and start to think. I'm not jealous. I think to myself as I turn to look at bakugou and the girls. Only to find the girls all alone. I look around to see if I can spot bakugou only to be caught off guard by him standing right behind me.

"Whatcha looking for?" He says as I jump. "Oh, nothing really, haha" I laugh nervously as I start walking again. To my surprise he walked with me.

"We need to talk" he says as he stopped walking. "Right now?" I ask as I turn to look at him.

"Yeah" he replies. "What about?" I ask him. In the blink of an eye he pushes his lips to mine. I stand in shock not believing that he did that.

He releases me and looks into my eyes, where he sees that I'm blushing. "That" he responds to my question from before.

Ughhh I'm so unmotivated to write but I know that I need to keep this interesting. Idk what I was thinking with this chapter so don't hurt me, also I kinda really wanted them to finally kiss cause I'm getting a lil impatient with my writing. Sorry this chapter goes so fast, I was trying to make it more about the training room but couldn't think of much to say so I brought them outside after school. Stay tuned for next chapter though!

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