cuddles in the theatre (17)

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• Bakugou pov •

As we walked through the mall toward the movie theatre, I couldn't help but notice the smile on eijirou's face. Ever since the beginning of the chaos, he hasn't been his smiley self.

Oh god, i missed that smile

I guess he noticed me staring, as he then wrapped his hand around mine.

"I'll pay" eijirou says confidently.

"I think the fuck not, I always pay" I reply, trying to sound as firm as I can, but failing as I see a glimmer in his eyes.

Has he always had that sparkle?

"Any man who pays, is worthy of deeming himself manly. So I'll pay." He remarks, grinning at the challenge.

I look up to see the rest of the group slightly in front of us, I see this as my perfect chance to win.

I look back at kirishima, now looking ahead of us.

Just as he goes to say something, I kiss his cheek, throwing him off completely.

"Not if I get there first" I challenge, seeing as he's too flustered to do anything.

I let go of his hand and cut in front of the group, noting that the ticket sales are only a few feet ahead of me.

In a few swift movements, I end up in front of the man selling them. "Two crimson riot tickets" I say, looking back to see kirishima now walking with the group, red in the face. I smirk to myself knowing I was the cause of this.

"Here you go!" The man says as he hands me the two tickets.

I let kirishima reach me before waving the tickets in the air, almost like a victory dance.

He rolls his eyes and grins at me.

"You're insufferable" he mumbles, still embarrassed. "I saw my chance, and I took it" I say simply.

"Yeah yeah, let's just go watch the movie" he replies.

After the rest of the group payed for their tickets, I bought popcorn (after a small debate about who gets to pay) and we made our way inside.

As we all walked, I noticed sparky eyeing me and kirishima. I simply took this as him being the dork he is and kept walking.

Once we got into our seats, the movie began playing. I wasn't that interested in watching the movie, as crimson riot wasn't my favourite hero. I only agreed to go because it would make eijirou happy.

I looked down the row, noting that the rest of the group was on the other side of eijirou, so we probably wouldn't be bothered much.

I then looked down to eijirou. He was so fixated on the movie, he didn't even notice me now holding his hand.

"Did you see that? Look how cool he is!" Eijirou whispered with pure admiration. I love it when he babbles about his idol.

God I'm a weirdo.

As the movie goes on, I notice him get quieter.

I look down at him to see that he's beginning to get tired.

"You can sleep if you want, I can probably get the hag to rent the movie when we get home" I whisper, not thinking when I speak.

"You're so soft" he whispers back, yawning at the end of his remark.

"Soft?" I reply, confused.

He yawns like a kitten!

"Yeah, like when we're with friends, you're not so soft and sweet, but when it's just us, you are." He explains.

He then puts his head on my shoulder, taking my advice to go to sleep. I feel a blush creep it's way up my neck, and on my cheeks. I adjust myself so he can get in a comfortable position while he leans on me.

I then hear soft snores, making me smile to myself. I look back up and see that the movie isn't anywhere near done, and begin actually paying attention.

Omg! Thank you guys for all the support, it honestly makes me so happy! Every time I see one of your comments, whether it's at school, in the middle of studying, at home, or wherever I am, I can't help but smile. I have to say I'm so thankful for all your love! I'm sorry this chapter is so short, I should be updating soon but with exams coming up, my time for writing is kinda limited.. but like I said, I'll try as hard as I can to update periodically. Also fun fact: when kirishima called Bakugou "insufferable" i decided to add it in because me and my boyfriend always say that back and fourth, haha

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