Beach day (20)

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• Kirishima POV •

"I thought you said it was gonna be a cool day today??" kaminari complains to Mina.

"Sorry hun, I didn't realize it would be this hot!" He replies, unfolding her towel and sticking the umbrella into the ground.

The sounds of waves fill my ears, calming me.

I turn my head to see bakugou taking his shirt off while sero chats with him.

Once our stuff is set up, we head to the water.

Warm as ever.

I direct my attention to kaminari and sero splashing each other in a playful manner.

Mina comes to my side and pulls me down to her level, as I'm a bit taller.

"Do you think they like each other?" She asks, smiling. "Obviously" bakugou says behind me. I laugh and look back at the two, still playing.

I decide to head deeper into the water, up until it was waist level.

I suddenly feel two hands on my hips and I'm thrown into the air.

I hit the water with a splash and come up glaring daggers at bakugou, knowing it was him.

He smirks and chuckles to himself. "Rude" I say.

I look back up to the sand and see Mina and kaminari pointing at us and snickering.

"What're those extras laughing about?" Katsuki asks. "Probably nothing" I reply, knowing damn well what they're talking about.

We continue playing around in the water until it got cooler.

Once it was later, we all decide to eat.

Mina brought sandwiches so we settled on calling them "dinner".

"So, y'all together or what?" Kami asks, only loud enough for me to hear.

"What?" I ask, trying not to give anything away.

"Hey extras, listen up. Me and red are going out, if you have any problem with that, you can get blasted right to hell, got that?" Announces katsuki, almost like he heard kami.

I blush a crimson red and look up at him. I didn't know he would be this bold about it.

"You owe me $20 sir" Mina tells sero, as he takes a 20 out of his pocket.

"I thought we would tell him together" I tell bakugou.

"Better now than never" he retorts simply.

I roll my eyes and laugh a bit  should've known he would eventually do something like that.

I trust them, and I'm honestly glad balugou said it, as it would take forever for me to work up the nerve.

Once we head home, katsuki decides I'm once again sleeping with him.

We talk a little bit before putting on a movie.

I feel him put his arms around me and snuggle into my side. I smile to myself knowing he'd probably never do this in front of the others.

I notice him looking at me a lot of the time but brush it off.

Once it was finished, I see that he's looking right at me.

"You my friend, are a creep" I say, biting back a giggle.

"Am not, s'not my fault you're so-" he cuts himself off and blushes.

"I'm so what?" I ask, determined to get an answer from him.

"Nothing!" He exclaims. "Let's just go to bed" he says, pulling away from me and helping me up.

We get ready and go to bed, him again putting his arms around me.

I then begin falling asleep when I feel him shift.

I keep my eyes closed noting it as nothing.

"What've you done to me, red" he whispers to himself before giving me a quick kiss on the forehead.

He then snuggles in closer and I smile.

I love this man

Yeah this is probably so cliche. What can I say? I'm a romantic. But I do think this is a better chapter than some of my other moves even though it's quite short. I'd also like to apologize for any spelling errors, I just got my nails done longer than usual and it's gonna take a bit to get used to ahaha

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